15- good morning

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Daniel decided that he would sleep around Jonah's house that night. It was late and dark and he felt nervous about waiting outside of a cab. Jonah suggested he could come down and wait with him but then suggested the better option. Daniel couldn't resist it. He felt so tired after their actioned packed day together and just wanted to get engulfed into the land of dreams. 

When he woke up, however, Jonah want there. He sat up slowly, in the unfamiliar room, squinting as the light coming through the gaps in the blinds burned on his retinas. Daniel peered around, his still-tired eyes trying to figure out where he was. And then suddenly yesterdays memories came back to him, the sleep-amnesia flood gate breaking.

 He could hear the radio from the other room, so yawning, he got up to investigate. The bedroom door was ajar, so the closer Daniel got to it, the more he could see. He giggled at the sight of the older boy standing in only a t-shirt and boxers, wiggling his hips to the sound of the radio whilst waiting for the coffee to boil. Jonah looked over to where he was standing and blushed, motioning for Daniel to join him. The blue-eyed boy complied, and took Jonah's outstretched hand, boogying along with him.

"Bacon sandwiches for breakfast?" He asked as the song came to the end and the coffee machine had stopped making noises. 

Daniel nodded. "Yes please, Jo." The older boy went to grab two cups from the cupboard and poured the coffee into both, moving to get the milk and bacon from its place in the fridge. as he did, another song started playing. Jonah began to move to the music once more, sauntering up to Daniel. In one swift move, the younger boy was swept off his feet, spun around and placed on the counter behind. Daniel squealed in surprise, which made Jonah chuckle. 

"You're too cute." He said whilst holding his ingredients. 

The pair ate their sandwiches and Daniel decided at that point that Jonah was a bacon sandwich king. He looked down at his watch, noticing the time. "Shit. Jonah, I've gotta run." He said, standing up abruptly. "I've got that audition in thirty minutes." He walked speedily into Jonah's room, trying to find where his clothes were. Jonah followed in afterwards. 

"Hey, Dani. calm down, let me drive you." His hand rested on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'll take you on the way to work and then you can text me if you need picking up. Yeah?" Daniel nodded, finally feeling calmer. He finally spotted his discarded pile of clothes and picked them up, only to find that they were dirty. He sighed, annoyed. "Borrow mine," Jonah said leading him over to the closet. 

Daniel was surprised by Jonah's wardrobe. So far he had only seen him wearing suits and the outfit he skated in. He didn't expect to see such a large array of colourful shirts, but could definitely see The older boy in them. He looked at them timidly, unsure of what to do. "What is it we're going for?" Jonah asked, only receiving a shrug in reply. 

In the end, Jonah picked out a simple green sweater that gave Daniel some adorable sweater paws and gave him a pair of back jeans that Corbyn had left here a while ago as he figured that his would drown the smaller boy.

The drive to the place was shorter than Jonah had expected, and he wondered why Daniel was in a rush at all. All thoughJonah had heard of and seen a lot of music management buildings (being in the industry and all) He had never actually been inside this one. However, he only heard good things about it. Daniel anxiously said goodbye to his love affair and stepped out of the car. The receptionist greeted him, pointing him in the right direction. 

He knocked at the door, anxiously waiting or a reply until a familiar face greeted him. "Daniel, come in. The other members are already here." Daniel's potential manager held the door open, ushering him forwards. Two boys stood giggling, one taller than him, the other one shorter. "This is Zach." The manager pointed to the shorter boy who gave him a smile, before pointing to the boy next to him. "And this is Eben." 

"Nice to finally meet you," Daniel said, happy he could put names to faces now. He was beyond excited for this audition, a feeling that was totally Jonah's fault, which scared him a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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