13- tell me about you

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Daniel placed the tray down on the table and slid into the booth next to Jonah. Each boy picked up one of the green mugs and poured the respective amounts of milk in, smiling. Jonah placed a hand on Daniel's knee, turning his face towards the blue-eyed boy. "You're close to that waitress then?" He asked, trying to get Daniel to open up to him.

Daniel nodded, taking a sip from his cup. "She owns this place. I'd say we're pretty close." He placed his hand onto of Jonah's, stroking the top with his thumb. Jonah nodded, taking a sip from his cup as well. 

The conversation dwindled out, and Jonah spoke up, not wanting the aura to turn awkward. "So, Dani. I know you skate and I know that you like music, but what don't I know about you?" 

Daniel placed his cup on the table and placed the arm that wasn't in Jonah's on the table. "What do want to know about me?" Jonah shrugged. "Well, how about you tell me about you? Where did you grow up?" 

Jonah nodded, smiling. "Okay, I'll tell you about me then." he pulled his hand from Daniel's leg. The younger boy was disappointed for a second until Jonah threaded their fingers together instead.  "Well, I grew up in Minnesota with my parents and three siblings. I really like Harry Potter, and used to play baseball in school." Daniel nodded, interested. 

"Three siblings huh?" Jonah nodded, making a sound of approval. "That must've been awful. I have two, and we fight all of the time." Jonah took another sip of his coffee. 

"It's not actually too bad," He shrugged. "We're all quite far apart in age and didn't really fight much." He explained. "What about you? where did you grow up."

Daniel looked down into his coffee, watching the small bubbles that had formed around the sides of his cup.  "I grew up in Oregan, I love Music and hate chocolate." He told Jonah, simply.

"Is that it?" Jonah asked, surprised that there wasn't more. Daniel nodded, winking. "That's only two new things, though. I gave you four. that's double!" 

"I guess you'll just have to wait for the rest then." He winked, taking Jonah by surprise. 

Jonah leaned closer to Daniel and placed a hand on his cheek. Daniel took a deep breath, taking in Jonah's minty aroma. He closed his eyes as Jonah's freshly shaven face brushed the side of his cheek. "You know, you look hot when you do that," Jonah said in a low voice which sent shivers down Daniel's spine. He blushed and pulled away, slightly embarrassed at the public display of affection. 

"How about we go somewhere else?" The older boy suggested, noticing his discomfort. Daniel nodded, letting Jonah drink the last mouthful of his coffee. He bid farewell to Joanne who of course asked Jonah to swing by another time, and they left together. "Do you like stargazing?" He pointed up to the sky, which was nowhere near dark yet. Daniel nodded slightly confused.

"Jo, it's only 4 pm. The stars don't come out until at least 7." Daniel informed him after looking down at his watch to check the time. 

"Well, we'll just have to wait then." He said, smiling and directing Daniel on where they were going. He wished that he could take Daniel's hand and walk along with him into the sunset, but He didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. 

"Where are we going?" Daniel asked when he realised they were turning down a street he wasn't familiar with. He wasn't panicking just yet, but he would kill Jack if his date ended up to be a torturous kidnapping rapist- that's if he got out alive.

"Well I told you about the stargazing, but I guess you'll just have to wait for the rest then." He mimicked Daniel's words from their earlier conversation. Jonah slowed as he reached an apartment block and told Daniel to follow him up. He stepped in the elevator, watching as Jonah pressed the button for his floor. 

When the doors opened, Jonah pulled his keys from his pocket and entered through the door. "Why are we here, Jonah?" Daniel asked as he walked into the messy apartment after Jonah, surveying Its furnishings as he tried to gauge what type of character that Jonah was. It would be understatement of the year if Daniel didn't say that the apartment was nicer than his place. 

"Just here to drop some stuff off kid." He smiled, pulling a couple of items out of his pockets and put them on the oak-wood side table. The walls of his apartment were taller than Daniel's and the place felt a lot lighter. The rooms were bigger too, and they gave a good flow through the house. "Leave your skates, Dani. And anything else you don't think you'll need." 

Daniel nodded, placing the wheeled boots down next to the rack of shoes that stood by the door. Other than them, he didn't have anything in his pockets that he deemed unnecessary, after looking over to see what Jonah had taken out. Daniel followed Jonah out once more and they walked for a while until Jonah ushered him down a back road. "Stay close." He said, grabbing Daniel's arm. and holding it lightly. The backroad lead them to a line of buildings, all of which had commercial signs above the doors.

Daniel didn't quite see the name of the building that they entered, but after being led to the back part of the building by a hippie-looking man, he understood. The room was scattered with tables and had a stage up in the centre, sitting prominently. "You said you like music," Jonah said as they took a seat towards the edge of the room, near the stage. Daniel smiled and nodded back at him. "Well this is where I come for music." 

The lights in the room dimmed, causing the chatter to be shushed. a man and a woman walked onstage, wearing bright coloured sequins, and the show began.

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