Chapter 4 - A Fine Mess

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I checked my messages when class ended, No nude pictures, but 2 expressing Jennie's undying love for me.

"More messages from Jennie?" Irene asked as I got up from my chair.

"Uh..huh," Chaeyoung said with a groan.


"No, not this time, just sending me her undying love."

Irene grabbed the phone and looked at the texts. "Oh, you have a new one. Oh... It's so cute, She's even come up for a name for you as a couple. Chaennie, for a combination of Jennie and Chaeyoung. It says Chaennie forever."

I just snatched the phone back and growled.

"I thought it was cute," Irene said defensively as we started to walk from the classroom.

"I didn't ask you." I snapped.

"Hey, you were the one that broke her."

I suddenly had a thought. "I need to talk to Hanbin, Tell him that I think Jennie isn't feeling well. So he doesn't get suspicious. Maybe if he urns on the charm or tries to help her it will snap Jennie out of it."

With that, I rushed off to find Hanbin alone at his locker.

"Hey Hanbin," I said nervously, as I took a quick look to see if Jennie was around.

"Hey Chaeyoung, what's up?"

Before I could get anything out of my mouth, I heard an all too familiar voice.

"You get away from her." Jennie suddenly growled to Hanbin as she came up.

I looked to see Hanbin, startled, suddenly back up with a look of surprise. "Hey, babe, Chaeyoung and were just talking." He made a casual smile. "No worries, no one is going to steal me from you."

Jennie just glared at him. "Like I care about you!" She barked before she grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

A moment later I was pushed into the broom closet, where Jennie seemed to quickly inspect me. "Was he hitting on you? Cause if he's moving in on my girl, I'll knock his teeth out!" Jennie said with a raised fist.

Oh crap. I forgot about Jennie, almost nearly maniacal levels of jealousy.

I could tell she was seething and that wasn't good at all. So I made an attempt to calm her and try and fix this.

"Relax Jennie, I just had a question about an assignment for English that's all. He wasn't hitting on me." I said in a soothing voice.

A look of relief quickly came to Jennie's face as she gave me an almost smothering hug. "Oh thank god. I thought I was going to lose you to HIM!"

She then released me and a somewhat crazed look came to her eyes. "Oh crap, I still need to break up with him. Then I can tell that useless boy that you are off-limits. Wait a second; I need to tell all of those grubby bastards that you're not to be touched."

That sound you hear is my chance for a date anytime in the near future being flushed down the toilet. On the plus side, that will keep that creep Park Chanyeol off my back.

Jennie moved to the door. "I need to tell them all right away, Hanbin especially."

I quickly grabbed her wrist. "No, wait! Don't tell them."

Jennie suddenly looked very hurt and sad. "Don't you want anyone to know how much I love you?"

The sight of sad-looking Jennie made my heart twitch. I couldn't leave her like this. I had to improvise.

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