A light clinking of a champagne flute flittered through the air as Pippa turned to glare at the piano player who was not stopping. Hallie sighed in annoyance how much longer was it to be without food she thought. There was only so many no alcoholic drinks she could have before she tried to eat the fake fruit decorations in her room. Praying for a nice portion of steak cut chips that were slightly brown and crispy on the outside but when yo bit into them they were a soft as piece of candy floss. A medium rare piece of ribeye steak with a side of peppercorn sauce she could drizzle over it. Letting it coat the meat in a thin brown gloss of wonder.

"What the fuck is this?"  Hallie exclaims looking at the plate in front of her. Alfie rolled his eyes mouthing language at her hoping the children weren't listening the the profanity their aunt had just uttered.

"Tonight we are having a totally vegan dinner. Since Neil and I are very passionate ..." Pippa begins as Hallie stabs her fork into the concoction of wet leaves grimacing at the texture.

"Bullshit Pippa just to make yourself look good I'm insta. Just give me some triple cooked chips. Why do I have to suffer." Hallie mutters to herself leaning back in her chair.

A few family members began tucking in as the huger was getting to them. Pippa's unnecessary speech about why Vegan made a few of her "woke" friends cheer as everyone else just wanted her to shut the hell up. Mostly because everyone had been waiting for dinner for so bloody long and they were handed rabbit food. This was a family of hearty home cooked meal lovers. Apart from the odd family member like their little brother Tobi being Celiac or Dad trying his best to stay away from carbs no one had any extreme aversions to food.

Well right in this moment Rufus had decide he did not want vegetables. But unlike Hallie he could express his anger through the means of a tantrum. Flinging himself around in his high chair begging for some chips. Which Hallie was pretty sure we're vegan depending on where and what the chips were cooked in. So there was kinda no excuse at least give the children , teens and Hallie some hearty chips and sausage or something to stop the moaning.

" Joesph eyes up here buddy." Hallie snaps at him the hanger for real food tipping her over the edge as Joey smirked glancing up at her face.

"I was checking out your wonderful vegan dinner." Joey jokes as Hallie rolls her eyes.

Alfie gives Hallie a look that screamed get a room. Which Hallie didn't appreciate one bit. Alfie is the typical Alpha male older brother. Especially during the teen years when Hallie started becoming more of a loose cannon to find her own feet in the family. He was always the one to reign her back in and remind her she had to be a role model for the others. But funnily enough Pippa didn't need Hallie as a role model she had just been perfect from the beginning sending Hallie to spiral deeper and deeper just to spite her little sister and her parents.

" My tits aren't vegan. Joey." Hallie states as Joey chuckles sticking his fork straight into a few chickpeas  as Lily sat on Alfie's lap across from him inspecting it.

Lily was clearing trying to work out what on earth the round tan coloured balls on her father's plate where because of course she had knocked over her plate in anger too. Alfie's children were very passionate about Chips and some form of frozen chicken dippers. Typical picky eaters despite his and Tara's persistence to give the three of them a varied diet.

Hallie on the other hand tried a mouthful of the salad but instead of chewing she grimaced. Shuddering at the what she would describe as wet plant taste it left in her mouth. Which was how she knew the dreaded salad leaf that tasted like it still had mud on it was in the dish. To her it was disgusting but obviously some people for example her little sister loved it. Neil on the other hand much like everyone else looked as if he was being forced to eat this stuff as well.

"Where's the meat!?!" One of the lads Simon shouts jokingly as Neil laughs at his mate shaking his head. Pippa however acted as if he had just graphically spoken about the best night sex he had.

" We all know who is already wearing the trousers in their relationship." Simon states nudging Callum who was sat next to him eating his dinner since he was so hungry he truly didn't care what was on the plate. At this point food was food to him.

Suddenly , Neil rose from his seat next to Pippa and over to the table where the rest of the boys were sitting. Leaning down it was clear he had been sent over by Pippa to tell them to pipe down. She probably told Neil that this was a dinner not lad time in the bar during the football. Making her look so much older than she actually is moaning about the boys just be being boys.

"Do you think Neil will ever get that stick up Pip's arse?" Hallie questions to no one in particular on the table.

Alfie rolled his eyes at Hallie as Tobi without looking up from his Nintendo switch pissed himself with laughter. So it was clear he heard what she had said as Mario kart wasn't that hilariously funny. The twins and the crew they had some how accumulated were no where to be seen. Probably off trying to find some girls to chat up in the area or something not really wanting to be here. But were here for the free holiday they could flex on their social media about. Hallie wished she could just piss off too.

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