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Hallie took her seat across from Pippa not the most ideal place to be but she had no choice. Joey to her left since he is Neil's best man and her mother to her right. It was like a night mare she couldn't escape. But thankfully it was an early night tonight as tomorrow was the rehearsal reception or whatever Pippa had planned. 

The servers brought round the meals for everyone , Pippa chose a salad of course wanting to make sure she could still fit in her practically second skin wedding dress. Now that would be a funny way to accidentally announce your pregnancy. Something Hallie would end up doing to be honest. Thankfully with the arrival of dinner the annoying small talk subsided and they all started to enjoy what they were eating. That was until Hallie felt a hard stamp on her foot to the left of her. 

"Ouch." Hallie muttered glaring at Joey. 

"What are you doing? You can't be eating that!?!" Joey states as Hallie looks down at her plate. 

Oh shit. She thought she was meant to be fake pregnant and here she was eating a seafood platter. How on earth was she going to explain herself out of this one. 

"What can't Hallie eat ... oh my goodness you aren't are you oh my." Her mother exclaims excitedly as she puts two and two together. 

Great could it get any worse. It is like a lie that has gotten out of hand. Hallie glanced at Pippa who mouthed a sorry as Hallie's hands gripped her utensils like no tomorrow. Ready to shove her knife through Joey's chest for even knowing anything to do with what pregnant people could or could not eat. 

"Hallie is having a baby!!!!" Her mother exclaimed with glee as everyone dropped their knives and forks. 

Now that is how you can make a lie almost impossible to bring back. Her heart rate racing about a million miles an hour. As , Hallie stamped Pippa's foot to get her attention to come up with something to sort this situation out. Rising from her seat Hallie prayed she would just clear up this misunderstanding. That would be the sisterly thing to do because of course news spreads like wild fire in the Booth household whatever continent they are on. 

"How dare you Hallie ! could you have had the decency to wait until after my wedding. You just always have to have the attention on you." Pippa states as Hallie's eyes widen in shock what on earth was she doing throwing more fuel on the fire. I guess that is what you get when you have an explosive relationship with your sister. She will let you burn even if you both know the truth. 

What was she to do now. She had to continue this lie. But how she wanted this hell to be over already but now it was twenty million times worse. When they say Karma is a bitch they aren't lying Hallie thought. 

"Pippa. I'm sorry. Can we do this elsewhere instead of ruining everyone's dinner." Hallie begged trying to pull the attention away from the table mostly so she could snap at Pippa in peace. 

"Fine." Pippa snaps as the pair storm off from the table. 

All the talk on the pair of them as they walked away. Hallie wished she could push her in the pool but that would be too mean wouldn't it. It wasn't her fault she was given a chance to make Hallie'e life a living hell and bloody well ran with it like her life depended on it. 

'What are you doing ?!? Going and making it all worse. the sisterly thing to do  would have been to come clean but no ... you are going to get it I swear when this all comes out." Hallie snaps at Pippa who shrugs. 

"Oh yeah because I am about to announce my pregnancy less than 72 hours before my wedding. Great idea Hal. Great idea." Pippa exclaims as Hallie frustratedly groans. 

"Now I have to fucking pretend I am pregnant it is my worst nightmare. Stupid Joey ..." Hallie grumbles as Pippa's eyes widened in shock. 

"You told Joey!?!" Pippa panics as Hallie rolls her eyes at her. 

"What was I to do I was walking back to my room to dispose of your positive pregnancy test. I can't go oh no joey this isn't mine its my sister's but don't tell anyone. Like that is fucking believable in any sense even though it is the truth." Hallie states as Pippa chuckles lightly. 

It was great someone was finding this whole situation hilarious. Even if it felt like some storyline from Eastenders or any really shitty soap on prime time television. Who knows what was going to happen when the truth comes out or how long Hallie had to pretend she was pregnant for Pippa's sake it was like some sick joke she didn't see coming. 

"Sorry ... it is pretty funny." Pippa giggles as Hallie glares at her.

"When this is all over you better sleep with both eyes open missy." Hallie warns as Pippa frowns at her knowing that saying was not right. 

"I am pretty sure you mean one eye open." Pippa corrects Hallie who groans in frustration again. 

"NO! I mean both because one won't be enough to stop me from wanting to wring you neck so hard. For this. Now if you will excuse me I have my mother's salad bland salad to eat because of you." Hallie ends the conversation stomping off as Pippa grabs her arms to stop her. 

"Thank you. for this ..." Pippa whispers as Hallie rolls her eyes. 

Of course out of all of this Pippa still comes out the angel on top while Hallie had to suffer in more ways than one. This was going to be interesting to try and keep up this lie while also making her want to jump off a cliff. An imaginary child in her womb a cruel joke. Hallie sat back down in her seat smiling at her plate her nose turned up in disgust. 

"Oh a salad how lovely ... thank you joey I completely forgot I couldn't have seafood.... hahaha." Hallie lies stabbing a piece of tomato. 

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