Chapter 15

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Happy new year famm it's not late for it I hope 😂🎉

Empty is what I feel I can't move I can't open my eyes I can't even say a thing
I don't even know where I am it's too quiet here
I wish someone will take me out of here
"Insha Allah fatima you will be well very soon I promise this is happening all because of me and I'll make sure I set things right
Iman will not get away with this"

Was that Mubarak's voice I heard???
Noooo Noooooo
The darkness pulled her in

Mubarak's POV

I was holding on to Fatima's hand while talking as I was told to do so everytime

I felt her hands flinch for a second and then it's just back to normal
I can't believe Iman will stoop soo low just because of Love that's toooo stupid
I promise to deal with her personally but only when fatima is okay

"Salamualaikum hello good morning I'm doctor Aisha and I will examine your wife because the doctor assigned to the patient is out" she explained
"Good morning doctor thank you"
"If you don't mind mr Mubarak could you please step out while I examine her"

I walked out of the room with this uneasy feeling that it might be another trick from Iman, so I closely watch what's going on in the room till she is finished and she comes out

"There's a little improvement in her condition because her heart rate is now much more steady than before and her breathing is better
So we shall hope that she wakes up very soon but please try talking to her about how your day went act as if you are talking to her on a normal day and that will help in improving her condition" with that she walked away
I can't help but feel sooo useless right now because Iman did this I know it but I can't prove it to the police in order for them to arrest
I'll make her pay for this sooner or later she'll regret it!

Few hours later

"Mubarak wake up Mubarak wakeee upppp"
I faintly hear someone talking whilst shaking me hard
"What!" I yelled "Ohhh mama sorry I thought it was someone else"
"No problem how is she now"
"She's better a few hours ago a doctor came and examined her and said there's a few improvements in her health "

"Mubarak one thing I don't understand is why are you taking it up on yourself to stay here with her. She has her mum her dad her brothers then why? Is there something you are hiding from me Mubarak?"

"No mama no problem at all
She was supposed to meet me but in between she had this accident and I kinda feel it's my fault If I hadn't called her this would have never happened" I lied

I stood from where I was sitting to make mama sit on the couch while I go pray
I became hunger seeing she brought food with her and the food does smell heavenly

Author's Pov

Mubarak finished praying and he sat there thinking of who to tell the truth about all this
Seeing that he had to lie to his mum and everyone else about why he stays with Fatima
Iman is not worth his fear. He made sujood and prayed for help from the Almighty God and then he stood up and went to Fatima's room

He saw the food spread out from different coolers and his mouth instantly became watery seeing that he hadn't eaten properly for a few days now
Hours turn to days
Days turn to weeks
Weeks turn to months but still nothing
No improvement nothing at all
And Mubarak hasn't heard from Iman yet and that's more than dangerous than her threats

He decided to wake out a bit for some fresh air
While he was at that Fatima had a guest

"Owwwn poor Fatima lying down here is fun issit? No eating no drinking nothing that must suck right how about you just die it'll be easier than just staying like this with no hope of waking up at all
Ohh! You are moving that means you agree right
I know I'm awesome so don't worry I won't kill you now but soon so enjoy your current position before you also lose it" Iman said through gritted teeth

While Fatima's body has been shaking unsteadily the heart machine keeps beeping and beeping then a nurse passes by and checks and shouts for the doctor
Mubarak comes back immediately after being summoned
He calls everyone and in no time the entrance to the room is filled up
The doctor comes out with a sad look on his face making everyone stay still

Mubarak's Pov

Fear is the only emotion in me right now and the doctor is making it grow rapidly

I wanted to ask what is going on but the fear of what he might say is not allowing me to
"What's the problem doctor?" Aliyu asked seeing that none of us said anything
"She had a heart attack"
That has been the only thing ringing in my head I completely zone myself out not wanting to hear the rest
I slowly slump down to the floor and stayed there for as long as I can remember

Mubarak get up losing hope isn't going to make her come back issit?
Just pray and hope that she'll get better soon okay
We all are heart broken at this but we have to be strong at least for her okay my son? Please control yourself
May God heal her soon
With that my mum left me with only Aliyu and her brothers
Her mum and dad left after much persuasion from us that we'll be here

And it's a wrapppp!
I am still very sorry guys I hope this might help in the process of begging for forgiveness
I have covers made by 2 awesome people  which I'll post later so You will choose the one you like more
And it'll be our cover for the month 🎉
And please if anyone wants to make covers please pm me with it ❤

And please please don't mind errors I wrote this in a hurry 😂

So Fatima had a heart attack while she was in coma Chai! Iman wants kill her completely oo
But maybe she won't 🤔 we shall find out soon oo
Sha let's all pray she wakes up soon

And what will Mubarak do to Iman
He should not dare hurt her she's my favorite 😂🤧
So exams will be over by the end of March Insha Allah but I'll update once or twice before then sooo wish me luck people


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