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It wasn't uncommon these days that class 1a would be up against a new rising threat. However, this fight had seemed out of the ordinary, as if the villains didn't care how things resulted in the end, as if they have a backup plan. But what was it? What were they hiding?

All mights pov:
I was carefully watching the class as they were separated into groups to defeat the villains. I kept an eye on young midoriya, making sure his quirk was not out of hand as usual. A punch to my jaw brought me out of my thoughts.
'Ugh' I mentally sighed. I wasn't supposed to be in this form and the rest knew of this.

No pov:
After defeating the villains once again, the villains were slowly tied up by aizawa and present mix. There were so many of them and yet non of them seemed bothered by being captured. All might returned to his original form and stood in front of the class along with mic and aizawa.

Aizawa pov:
Thank God no major injuries. Just a few cuts and bruises.
"Is everyone ok?" I asked receiving a class full of nods. The next thing I remember is shouts screaming 'sensei watch out' before tumbling to the floor,  but before that could happen there was a mix of white and red I saw run in front of me. A few seconds later I sit up rubbing my head.
"What happened" I asked. Everyone's heads turned to look at me. Hizashi was holding the villain, who I presume had aimed for me, but everyone else... had worried faces and turned back to the problem. I get up slowly and walk over only to see an unconscious todoroki.
I run too his side while ordering iida to go find recovery girl immediately.
I tap todoroki on the face. "Kid can you hear me" .no reply. This was worrying. His face scrunched up as if in pain even though he wasn't physically or mentally awake yet. I put my head against his chest. Thank God he was still breathing. At that moment recovery girl arrived and the rest were ordered to go back to their dorms with the teachers.

"His reading is off the chart" I turned to face recovery girl. " there is no sign of any injury but yet he is unconscious" I was just as confused as she was, that was until todoroki began to get smaller. And smaller. And smaller. I gasped as he shrunk . Once he stopped I scooped him up and allowed recovery girl to check him once more.

"It seems as if he was hit with an age reversing quirk I'll have to do more research on that villain but until then the kids in your hands. And oh once he's back to normal I guess you should help him get a new costume seeing as if his has shrunk " and with that, recovery girl was gone, leaving me with a 5 year old looking todoroki. What am I supposed to do now??

After about 15 minutes, i took todoroki back to the dorms knowing it would be much safer there for now. As I walk in I am showered by questions after questions by the other students, until they notice the sleeping child within my arms. "Shh let's leave him sleeping for now, I'll answer any questions later". It was nice and peaceful until hizashi walked in screaming "WHATS GOING ON LISTENERS??OH AIZAWA YOUR BACK!" He was greeted by a lot of hush's , to be honest it wasn't his fault, due to his quirk. The room fell into silence as todoroki shifted in my arms and slowly opened his eyes. He took a look up and I smiled softly but he stared back in shock, and spoke saying "mister aizawa" however his ways of speaking sounded more child like as he couldn't really pronounce the words right which made it sound more like "miser zawa". Did he have all the memory still? He also seemed very embarased. Was it just his body that shrunk? I settled him down on the couch and got the others to back away to give him some space. "Hey kid, do you remember anything that had happened earlier today?" I said softly he nodded "I remember the villains and we won but then one snuck behind you and tried to shoot so I ran and jumped" why did this kid jump for me?, I am grateful but does this kid not realise he's important too. I ducked down too his height. "Okay your going to be like this for a while, so I'll look after you for now however while you are in the dorms and I am busy everyone is going to take turns to keep an eye on you until it can be reversed is that okay with you?" I knew he wasn't the most sociable but this could be used as a way to get him to communicate with others more. After a few moments he nodded. "I have to just go and speak to recovery girl about the villain that attacked but I'll be back. "Midoryia, iida" they turned to face me. "you two can watch todoroki first and keep an eye on him, the rest of you are free to do whatever, but no fighting I'm looking at you bakugo" earning a quite growl from him. I headed towards recovery girl, I wasn't so sure that this quirk was meant to allow todoroki to still have his mental state and I felt that something was going to happen. Even though I always say that I don't care for these kids, I can't help but worry, especially for bakugo and todoroki seeing as they never seem to ask for help. Bakugo because he's too much held up by pride and todoroki because he, for some reason sees it as a weakness to ask for help. These next few days or so we're going to be difficult especially with shotos current state, he was going to need clothes, resources, many things but right now I had to speak to recovery girl. I knocked on her door and followed in after reciveing a "come in" comment. Now let's find out what's really happening.

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