first day

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Writers note: sorry if there are any mistakes with words. My phone has decided to keep using autocorrect. I have changed what i have noticed but if there is any you see please point it out thank you 😊.

Iidas pov:
I watched as sensei walked towards recovery girls office. Then once out of sight I turned my head back to the smaller version of todoroki. "So what would you like to do shoto" I heard midoriya say. "I dunno but can I have something to eat soon ,I'm hungry" I nodded "of course but I may have to give you something easier to eat due to your age" todoroki rolled his eyes but nodded in advance. Slowly the others started to walk off to do their own thing. I watched over todoroki while midoriya cooked.

20 minutes went by and then midoriya told everyone to come in for dinner. He was kind enough to make some for everyone.

While everyone was eating, I could see todoroki scrunch his face up a couple of times or hold his head. I noticed how that whenever someone was about to look at him he would cover up the pain by smiling back.
"Todoroki, you seem to be in pain are you ok?" I asked softly walking towards him. "Yeh I'm fine don't worry about it" he said back. All of a sudden, he gave out a large gasp while both hands went towards his head. Everyone ran over to see if he was ok. "I'll go get aizawa the rest of you try to find out what's wrong and try to help in some way" I replied then ran towards recovery girls office. "Mister aizawa there's something wrong with todoroki he's in pain and holding his head" with that both teachers jumped up and ran into the dorms common room.

No pov:
Aizawa and recovery girl had ran over to where todoroki was sitting only to find a tear dried face still with his head in his hands. " Anyone know what's going on?" Aizawa asked "all he managed to tell us was that he had a really bad headache" yaoyarozu replied. He picked him up and took him back to the emergency rooms with the rest of the students in tow.

Aizawa pov:
I watched as the scans were taken for todoroki. I wasn't going to lie at this point, I was worried. Really worried. It could be side affects of the quirk. Or it could be something even worst.

"It seems as if his mind is trying to reverse back to a child aswell, but with todoroki trying to fight it, it's giving him really bad migraines and could affect his mind when back to a normal state" recovery girl told me. I cradled todoroki in my arms."listen kid" he looked up so I continued. "You need to stop holding back or it will hurt even more, don't worry about going back to a child stage, we will take care of it okay" he nodded and buried his head into my arms. "It will take a few hours until he is fully reversed so don't be shocked by his out of the ordinary behaviour in the next hour or so. I did some research on the villain and once he has fully reversed he's going to be like this for a few days or even a week.take good care of him. If you need anything you know where I am." And with that I walk out the room with a sleeping todoroki. Everyone shuffled towards me and the younger student. "I'll explain when we get to the common room" I said to them as I walked past.

When I got there, i sat on one of the couches with todoroki on my lap.i pulled out my phone to text the rest of the teachers. 'So what's going on aizawa is young todoroki okay?' -all might "Yeh the kid seemed a little sleepy and smaller today what's going on?'-present mic. 'Todoroki shielded me from a blast which turns anyone it hits into a child for days or even a week. At first todoroki still had his own mental state but a child like body. But he had loads of pains in his head from then on we discovered that he had to let his mind reverse in order for him to be out of pain. So here I am with a child. Do you think I should call home?' I had text. 'Why not ask the kid and see what he says. He may not even remember who they are'-midnight.

A few texts later and the rest of the class arrived. I told them what had happened and I told them to be mindful of what they now say in front of him or to him. They were all gob smacked but understood taking it seriously. Todoroki began to stir and opened his eyes. "Morning sleepy how are you?" Mina asked. He moved closer to me and buried his face again. "Todo... shoto do you want me to phone your mum to let her know what's happened and to come visit you" both him and midoriyas eyes grew wide. "No my mum can't see me she's scared, and he will get her and she will do it again" he said this while raising his hand towards his eye. His scar was not visible now that he reversed but I guess he remembered how he got it. Everyone's face turned into a mix of sadness and anger. This was the age todoroki had gotten his scar or probably even younger. "Okay how about i phone your dad instead" he tensed and shook his head aggressively but midoriya was the one who spoke up. "Todoroki may not want me telling you this but I think it's for the better" all head a turned to face him. " His father paid todorokis mum's family in order to marry her and use her to create a powerful child. It took 3 attempts before todoroki to get a child who was powerful enough but then they had shoto. His first brother disappeared and was presumed dead, his two other siblings were called names and todoroki was trained as soon as he could walk, he was hit, punched, overworked and even starved. In which you could all see is abuse. At the age of 4 todorokis mum had poured boiling water over his face from a kettle because she was traumatized from all the abuse. With that endeavour had hurt her and put her in the hospital and it was only him and todoroki in the house. Sometimes visited by his sister. Todoroki grew emotionless and touch starved through all this so we may have to keep this all in mind when watching his younger self" midoriya finished and all everyone could do was sit shocked in silence. They all just wanted to run and give him a hug and say everything's going to turn out fine. But me. I held my arms tightly around todoroki. Anger flaring towards that so called 'new number 1 hero' I always did believe he seemed off but this time he was going to pay. This is why todoroki never asked for help. This is why he tried to hide injuries and do everything himself. He traumatized this kid into believing that no one would help. This child is never going near him again.

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