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i've been watching him for my entire life.

well, not quite so. i've been watching him since the moment we met; and it's felt like my entire life.

he's like nobody i've ever met before: smug, confident, so cocky yet so kind and gentle at the same time. his personality, his looks, his voice; everything about him is so... intoxicating.

his name is america, and he doesn't know it yet, but he will be my husband. and if he doesn't want to be my husband, i'll make him want to be.

my name is japan. i'm america's friend, although i want to be so much more than that. i want him to feel the same way i feel towards him! but i suppose things can't work out perfectly all the time.

he has other friends as well, of course; germany, norway, israel, south korea, and likely so many more. as well as some enemies; russia, china, north korea, and many, many more.

i know everything about america. i need to if i'm going to marry him, right? i know the name of his first pet- bingo, some shabby brown mutt. i know that he washes his clothes on friday and hangs them outside to dry- that's how i've been able to snag a few pairs of boxers from him.

i know that when he gets his check for the week he likes to go to some restaurant called, 'timpano italian chophouse'. i follow him sometimes and sit in a table nearby, hiding my identity with a hat- although it is a little hard with ears and tail.

i love america so, so much. i want him so desperately. i'll love him even if the world ends. i'll do anything to keep him single and ready for me. i'll hurt anyone who tries to harm him. i'll ruin anyone who tries to stop him from doing something he wants to do. i'll kill anyone who tries to take his love from me. I'LL KILL ANYONE WHO GETS IN THE WAY OF OUR LOVE.

america doesn't know it yet, but i love him, and he loves me the same.

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