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Caiyi Town.

As the next sect leader, Lan Xichen was tasked with various cases. This time, he is tasked with the water ghouls that is a plague in Caiyi Town. The residents are not adept in swimming, and so when they were pulled to the water by the monsters, they could only accept their demise or else wait until someone saves them.

A blue glare shot at the claw of the hideous creature pulling a woman’s ankle as its half body leaned on the shore while half of its body is submerged in the water.

The woman was screaming until she felt the weight on her ankle disappeared. She immediately crawled away from the shore and hid behind the other residents. They watched as a talisman was stuck on the water ghoul’s forehead and it immediately was burned and turned to ashes. They turned to the direction where the talisman came from and found a handsome youth with a gentle expression and dark and deep eyes. “Zewu-jun!” they exclaimed.

Lan Xichen turned to them and politely bowed. “Was anyone injured?” he asked.

“No.” The residents answered and shook their head, thankful for the rescue.

Lan Xichen nodded and turned to his fellow disciples. “It seems like we’re out of hand...” he sighed and looked at the now calm river. “All of you, stay here and watch if any of the water ghouls come back. Protect the people.” He told them as he unsheathed Shuoye.

“Zewu-jun, what about you?” they asked.

“I’m going to fetch Wangji.” He answered, then flew in the air with his sword. He never disturbs his younger brother from his studies. However, the matter cannot be delayed. And so, he went straight to the Cloud Recesses. As he remembers, his uncle is out today and so his younger brother and the disciples from the other sects studying in their sect has no class today.

Maybe he could also drop by them and greet them while he’s on his way and check them how they are in their studies. He isn’t aware that this short trip of his fetching his brother will lead him to checking out a certain someone.

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