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After Wei Wuxian’s comeback, his heart felt cold as he could only continue to watch Jiang Cheng from afar. He suppressed his feelings, telling himself that Jiang Cheng is the only family left of Jiang Cheng aside from Jiang Yanli. However, everything changed when Jin Zixuan died, followed by Jiang Yanli. Jiang Cheng hated Wei Wuxian, even after Wei Wuxian’s death, his hate continued. That time, he (LXC) felt glad even if he shouldn’t. He thought he could have a chance on Jiang Cheng.

However, his reason remained. Lan Wangji became devastated after Wei Wuxian’s death. Lan Wangji was severely punished, and even drank himself and branded himself with a Wen slave mark like what Wei Wuxian had. Because of this, he (LXC) hated Wei Wuxian. He hated Wei Wuxian more when he noticed that Jiang Cheng became crazed of the practitioners of evil arts – like Wei Wuxian. It seems like, Jiang Cheng hasn’t completely forgotten Wei Wuxian. Instead, Jiang Cheng missed him more. He is just masking his love with his hate.

Lan Xichen balled his fists as he calmed himself down. He can’t. He can’t have a qi deviation… he thought as he tried to calm his mind. Lan Wangji’s light out of the darkness which the cause is Wei Wuxian’s death is a Wen child that survived and he managed to bring home. The child was like a memento of Wei Wuxian since Wei Wuxian raised that child. Wen Yuan, now Lan Yuan, was single-handedly raised by Lan Wangji just like Wei Wuxian did to the child. He became a father in an instant. He named the child Lan Sizhui, which like his spiritual sustenance after Wei Wuxian was gone. He thought life would continue like this. However, sixteen years later and Wei Wuxian came back. He panicked, and felt fear Wei Wuxian would return to Jiang Cheng’s side. But, fortunately it didn’t happen. His younger brother instead was the one who brought Wei Wuxian home.

He was on his way to Lanling when he heard a commotion in the entrance of the Cloud Recesses while he was on his way out. He saw his younger brother, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi with some of their disciples, together with a pretty young man who is hugging a donkey. He felt amused, and so he smiled. “WangJi never brings guests home. This is?” he asked, his gaze landed on the pretty young man hugging his donkey. He saw the young man’s expression and felt it was familiar. That face that looks like he was going to make a mischief…

After a short chat and he left. Later, he suspected the pretty young man’s identity from his younger brother’s behaviors. His brother was acting like how he was when he was with Wei Wuxian before – just that he is unrestrained this time. Lan Wangju’s feelings cannot be restrained anymore. He (LXC) confirmed his suspicion when the two met with him while he was on his way to Lanling -just like his first meeting with Wei Wuxian after the man was reborn.

A series of events led a suspicion to multiple deaths – Jin Guangyao was suspected, then Qin Su died, followed by Su She, and everything ended in Jin Guangyao’s death, which is from his hands and from Nie Huaisang’s plan. He was depressed of everything that’s happening. His most trusted person is the one scheming along (he didn’t know about NHS’s part). Wei Wuxian actually forgot the most crucial part of Lan Wangji’s confession. Wei Wuxian sacrificed his life because everyone was led by their nose by Jin Guangyao. Even he was led by the guy. He doesn’t hate him, just that he felt hurt by the man’s betrayal. Was Jin Guangyao’s words about Wanyin and young master Wei before was a lie? He thought, finally he felt the light. It must be. He thought as he felt his blood boiling and he stood up. He walked towards the door. It must be!

He heard Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng’s conversation in the Guanyin temple. He could clearly see from their expression. Wei Wuxian only feel brotherly feelings towards Jiang Cheng since Wei Wuxian is in love with Lan Wangji all along. Wanyin… he thought. He really only felt hate towards Wei Wuxian. Before that… he thought as he remembered their words. Right! Jiang Cheng only feels dependence towards Wei Wuxian! He thinks of Wei Wuxian as an elder brother! He thought and opened the door wide, startling the disciples who passed by his quarters.

“Z-Zewu-jun?!” they said, shocked, when they saw him. “Z-Z… Zewu-jun’s out! He’s finally out!” They all exclaimed as they ran away, bringing (shouting) the good news to the others.

“Who’s yelling in the Cloud Recesses?!” Lan Qiren’s voice thundered. “No noise in the Cloud Recesses!” he added, his roaring voice brought chill down their spine.

Lan Xichen, for the first time after the Guanyin temple incident, smiled. “You’re also shouting, uncle.” He said and helplessly sighed. He walked out of his room, carrying hope in his heart.

For years I’ve kept this in my heart…

Wanyin… my dear Wanyin…

I promise, this time, we will never be apart.

Their clan held a banquet as for their family celebration and also his ‘recovery’. His originally bright mood dampen when he heard from one of their elder’s mouth about Jin Guangyao’s crimes. Wei Wuxian is with them, now that he and Lan Wangji are married. He stared at the two, imagining himself and Jiang Cheng. However, even if he has his own assumptions, they were needed to be proven and confirmed. And so, after the banquet, he quietly approached the newly-wedded couple.

“Brother.” Lan Wangji noticed his approach. He respectfully bowed.

“Wangji.” He called.

“Zewu-jun!” Wei Wuxian greeted and bowed.

He turned to look at Wei Wuxian, the man whom he thought his rival. “Young master… Wei.” He called, paused for a moment since Wei Wuxian is now a Lan yet he can’t immediately adjust with the change. He cleared his throat, the atmosphere suddenly turned awkward because of that pause. He turned to his younger brother. “Wangji.” He called. “May I borrow young master Wei for a moment?” he asked.

Lan Wangji paused. He could see his (LXC) brother’s hesitation. He helplessly smiled. Seeing his smile, Lan Wangji nodded. He glanced at his husband (WWX) before he left.

“Zewu-jun, what is it?” Wei Wuxian immediately asked. He already noticed from the banquet that the man has something to tell him. That constant stare earlier… if only he not knew Lan Xichen is not a cut sleeve, he would think the man has a thing (in love) for him. Maybe that’s also the reason why Lan Wangji hesitated earlier.

However, he is confident of his instinct. Lan Xichen is not a cut sleeve –

“Wanyin is not in love with you… is he?” He heard the man asked.

“… huh?” he (WWX) said and sharply turned to Lan Xichen, feeling like his ears are failing him. “Zewu-jun, you – “ he said and was about to ask the man when he stopped after he saw Lan Xichen’s resolute eyes. His (WWX) eyes went wide. Wha – “You’re also a cut sleeve?!” he exclaimed in shock.

It seems like his instinct is failing him after he married.

(A/N: holy… Wei Ying, that’s what you should ask?! 😂 will we have a confession next chap~?)

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