Act 1

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Hello Mena! I'm trying something, new! Let me know if you like this story and if you want another chapter; this is just a trial, so whether or not I finish it is up to you!

3 Person POV:

"Yuya! Yuya where'd you go?" Yuzu called, frantically searching through the playground.

A small rustle emitted from a nearby tree as he passed it. He stopped, locking eyes with its bright green leaves. Carefully, he made his way closer. A small giggle whispered in the humid summer air.

"Yuya? Are you up there? It's getting dark, I promised your dad I'd get you home before dark!" Yuzu whined, searching for a break in the leaves.

After a moment, his soft pink eyes clashed with striking crimson.

"I can see you." Yuzu deadpanned to the eyes, a pout evident on his face.

Within a second, a mix of crimson and green fluttered through the air as a flat-chested female landed gracefully on the grass beside him. Her crimson hair hung to her waist while green laid as a second layer daintily above her red tips by a few inches. Her curious eyes sparkled with interest as she stood and locked eyes with soft pink once again.

"We just got here! I'm sure we'll be fine for a few more hours." She said, waving her hand nonchalantly in the air.

"A few hours!? It'll be dark in less than one!"

Yuya's enthusiasm died, along with a playful grin that had snuck onto her face. She sighed in defeat as they began to make their way back to Yuya's house.

"So...are you excited about tomorrow?" Yuzu asked, attempting to break the thick sheet of ice that had built itself between them.

Yuya perked up a bit.

" Are you kidding!? I get to watch the best duelist in the world battle against one another!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Yuzu smiled.

"Although... It would be a lot more fun if I got to join in..." Yuya added quietly.

Yuzu's smile faded. Once Z-ARC was defeated, they couldn't risk anything bringing him or Yuya's memories back, even if that meant taking a few drastic measures... One of which was to keep Yuya away from dueling as long as possible, but that didn't work. As soon as she came back, she was drawn to the game, as a spectator of course; we even had to take away her pendulum! They just couldn't let something like that happen again... They couldn't lose her like that again. Besides, her memories would only dampen her spirit...

"Cheer up, Yuya! Isn't it exciting to watch them fly around the stage?" He attempted.

Yuya smiled softly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just-... I can't shake this feeling that I should be up there with them. Just thinking about it makes me happy. Watching is fun and exciting, but, part of me wants to be the one whose doing the things that make people excited! I guess it's a silly attraction... After all, I've never even touched deck before." Yuya said, scratching her cheek.

The rest of the walk home was silent. Once at the door, Yuya said her 'good bye's to Yuzu and headed upstairs to her room. Plopping down on her bed, she pulled her hand to her chest.

'Why do I feel like something's missing..?'

I plan to make this into a counterpartshipping fic, since Yuto and Yugo are still boys( Don't get me wrong, I love reading the boyxboy shipping fics, but for the sake of this idea I'll have to put it aside for now...-key word, 'for now') Pawnshipping will occur too! If you like this idea, please let me know! I'm not to sure if I'm going to continue this, but if enough people are interested, I might. Thanks for reading!

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