Act 2

296 9 3

Yuya's POV:

I don't need your help!


Treason Discharge!

Look out!

We will...Become...One...

I gasped, lurching forward from my bed.

"That dream again..."

I shook my head. Looking around, I could see the sun faintly tainting the horizon through the window in my room. I guess I fell asleep... A faint tap echoed through the room.

"Yuya? Are you alright?"

Looking up to the door I saw the hinges swinging the wooden sheet open, allowing me to see who was behind it.

"Yeah, Mom..."

She looked skeptically at me as she entered into the room, sitting on the bed beside me. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, its loose ends hanging gently on the shoulder of her nightgown.

"Are you sure? You were talking in your sleep again... Was it another bad dream?"

I yawned, stretching my arms behind my head.

"I'm good, really. Sorry I woke you..." I said sheepishly, bringing my arms back to my sides, my hands resting in my lap.

She stared at me for a moment before giving a sigh and standing up.

"Alright, just let us know if you need anything. Good night, Yuya." She said, planting a kiss on my forehead and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

After I heard the door to her room open and close I laid back down on the warm blankets. After a few moments, I shifted my gaze to my clock; 3:17. Turning on my side, I pulled my hand over my face and rubbed my eyes. What's with this nightmare? Almost every night, I get the same one, and each time, my mom's always came rushing in.... I wish she didn't; I hate the fact that I wake her up every night... I don't mean too...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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