First Day Fights

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Hey I'm Izuku, Izuku Midoriya. I'm 16 and I'm really tough. I grew up fighting, I took martial arts, Fight class, and I learned how to use a gun. Today is my first day at U.A it's a high school for heroes. I plan on becoming one of the top pro heroes. Anyway I have to get ready to go. I walked into my bathroom to get ready. I put my hair in a ponytail and brush my teeth. I go into my room and put on a camouflage jacket and some shorts. I know it's revealing since I'm not wearing a shirt only a sports bra and a jacket but whatevs. I walk out of my room with my backpack. I put on my shoes and start my way to school.

I jog the whole way there I always take jogs they help me relieve stress. I made it in about 5 minutes school had started and I had an excuse for why I was late. I'm new. I supposedly "don't have a clue where I'm going" but I do I know my whole way around this place. I head to the room 1-a and knock on the door. The sensei Aizawa opens it and let's me in. I've already met him before so it was no biggie he knew how I was and how stubborn I am. He knows not to waist his time on trying to get me to follow the dress code. I walk in and all the eyes in the room are on me, probably cause of what I'm wearing. I catch a few people looking at my chest though "Hey boys my eyes are up here!" I yell to them in an annoyed voice. They all snap out of it and look at my face. I smirk "Heh easy." I thought "Well anyway let's get on with this. I'm Izuku Midoriya. Call me Deku though. I don't like it when people disrespect me or my friends so let's all just try to get along. Got it." I said with a smirk and daring eyes. They all nodded "Great! Welp I guess I'll go sit down so you can get back to your boring little lesson teach" I said with a wink. He sighed as I walked my way to my seat. I sat down and grabbed my notebook to draw. I already knew everything from this lesson so I just drew a picture of everyone in the room. The teach finished his lesson halfway through so he let us have the rest of the time off to do introductions. I stood up and walked around the room putting all the pictures on the people's desks. The teacher left the room and I went up and sat on his desk. One of the girls came up to me "Hi I'm Ochako Uraraka!" She said putting her hand out for me to shake. Instead of shaking it I moved her hand and highfived her. She looked kinda confused "Yeah I don't do 'formal'. I'm Deku, wassup" I said moving so I was squatting on the desk in front of her. She laughed and I stood up in the desk. I noticed something, the ceiling had pipes. So being the daring person I am. I jumped grabbed one and swung to the other one. I laughed and held the pipe with one hand and waved to Uraraka with the other. She seemed confused as to where I was since she wasn't looking when I jumped "Hey Ura!" I yelled down to her. Everyone looked up and someone yelled "Get down from there your gonna get hurt!" I laughed at that. And hopped down landing with a thud. "Yeah so here's the thing, I don't really like it when people tell me what to do. I did that cause it was fun. I'm not gonna get hurt, I've done way more dangerous stuff than that " I laughed. "So let's all learn some more about each other" I said sitting on the desk again they all mumbled to themselves before they sat at their desks "So you got any questions for me?" I asked they probably did considering everything I just said and did. "What's with the whole bad attitude?" Some kid asked I giggled "What do you want me to do then? Put on some pink little dress and talk about makeup all the time? I'm not like that I'm like this cause I learned that if I'm not people will take advantage of me. I'm not having that happen to me ever. Again." I said in a dead serious voice. "But another thing is I don't like girly things" I said shrugging and trying to stop thinking badly again. They asked a few questions for awhile.

"Yo does this place have a theatre?" I asked them walking to the door. "There's one down the hall the double doors are the entrance" Uraraka said. I thanked her and walked out down to the theatre. Hm pretty nice in here. I walked over to the stage and grabbed my phone. I turned on a song and started dancing along to it. I know how to breakdance it's my favorite form of dancing. So I put on a rap song and started. I finished and was sweating a bit, I grabbed my water bottle and looked around after I heard a noise.

I saw the class sitting in the audience clapping. Well shit I hate peoples seeing me dance. I waved and smiled sheepishly. I heard a bell "Hey Deku wanna sit with us for lunch?" Ura asked me I nodded and followed her. I had my jacket zipped up for most of the day cause it got kinda cold. We walked into the courtyard and ate. I finished and walked over to throw my trash away. I threw it away and turned around to see 3 dudes standing in front of me. "What do you want Godzilla?" I asked him in a really sassy tone he looked pissed. I laughed "And what are you 2 supposed to be? His little henchmen?" I asked doubled over in laughter.
This bitch had the nerve to rip my jacket off me and throw it. He smirked and licked his lips. Everyone was looking over at this point. "Damn why does such a hot girl have such a bad attitude?" He said with some stupid smirk. I was absolutely pissed. I have an idea "I don't know. How about you help me be a good girl~" I said to him in seductive ass voice making an innocent little face. His smirk grew as he reached his hand out to touch me. Oh. Hell. To. The. No. I grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back I put my foot against his back to keep him in place. His little henchmen came over and grabbed my arms. The big one came up in my face and I banged my head against his. He fell back and ran off. I jumped up and kicked both of them in the gut doing a split in mid air, landing in splits jumping up quickly punching them both in the nose probably breaking them in the process "NOW SCRAM!" I yelled at them. They ran off and I chuckled.
I felt something coming from my nose and figured out I had a bloody nose. I picked up my jacket and held it up to my nose it stopped bleeding after a minute. I had my head down and when I looked up 2 guys were in front of me.

A red head and an ash blond. They both had spiked hair and red eyes. The blondie had a scowl while the red head looked calm. "What's with all these dudes ganging up on me today?! ANYONE ELSE WANNA FIGHT ME?!" I yelled. The blond kid put his hand over my mouth. I licked it and he pulled his hand away wiping it on his shirt. I spit and giggled. "You're disgusting" he said wiping his hand on his shirt. I gasped and did a dramatic little gasp "Oh I'm so very hurt! I'm going to just cry my eyes out!" I said dramatically. "You're not the first one to say that and I guarantee your not the last. That's like the least disgusting thing I've ever done" I said patting his shoulder. "Now I think we should all head to class before we're late" I said walking back to class humming. We walked in and the teacher came in a minute later. "Okay everyone we're having dorms 3 per dorm randomly assigned boys and girls will be sharing dorms. No switching" he said "You have the rest of the day to pack up and set up in your dorms." We all nodded as he left. I walked up and found that I'm with those 2 boys from earlier. Oh a joy of joys. I sighed and walked out of the class beginning my jog home.


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