Panic Attack...

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It was still break and everyone was in the commons. Except Deku she was taking a nap she looked a little out of it. Most of us were talking about random shit when something happened.

A scream.

A loud scream echoed through the dorm building as everyone froze in shock. It was a girls voice but no one knew where it came from.

"Who was that everyone's down here?!" Mina said breaking the silence
"I don't know who isn't in here with us?!" Denki continued.
"SHIT ITS DEKU!!!" I yelled running out.
I could hear someone following me and turned my head to see Kiri running along with me.
We bursted through the door and ran to the bedroom.
I froze.
Deku was sitting on the bed sobbing as she shook her head repeating the word no over and over. Me and Kiri ran over to her and hugged her tightly.
"Deku what happened baby?" I asked trying to calm her down as her sobs got worse.
"H-He g-got out of j-jail!" She sobbed.
"Who got out of jail?" Kiri asked
"M-My F-Father, t-they c-called m-me" She said as she tried to get her breathing back to normal.
"He's coming for me! He's going to kill my mom! He said he would!" She sobbed out
I was beyond pissed at this.
"Deku it's okay he won't hurt her" I said rubbing her back gently
"Y-Yes he will! H-He put h-her in the h-hospital before!" She said her breath hitching
"It's okay, it's okay, just take deep breaths" Kiri said stroking her head.
After a while she finally calmed down some. Her breathing steadied and she had stopped crying.
"Now what do you mean he's gonna kill your mom?" I asked her
"He said before he was taken away that he swore if he ever got out he would kill her for putting him there" she said letting out a sob
It pains me to see her like this. Usually she's laughing, smiling, being her usual upbeat and amazing self. But now she looks like she'll break down at anything at the moment.
"It's okay I'll call my mom and let her stay at our house, alright?" I said softly
She nodded and placed her head on Kiris chest as he rubbed her back whispering soothing words in her ear.
I called up the old bag and told her about what's going on. She said she'd call Auntie and tell her about it.
I went back over and told Deku. She seemed a little happier but still extremely jumpy.
We were there for about 10 minutes just trying to keep her calm when a bunch of the stupid fucking extras barged in, slamming the door open.
Deku screamed and jumped behind me. She started sobbing again.
Repeating "He's coming for me!" Over and Over hugging me from behind.
I turned around and hugged her rubbing her back as she sobbed. She's absolutely terrified of him and if she thinks he's here she'll have another panic attack.
"What the hell did you do to her!" Floaty bitch yelled
Deku just covered her ears
"Stop fucking yelling! She's having a fucking panic attack and doesn't need you making it worse!" Kiri yelled at them standing up.
They all stepped back as he stood and looked down. Deku had stopped crying and stood up.
"I'm going downstairs so you guys can explain this to them I'm not staying to listen" she said stepping past everyone


Deku walked out the door after putting on a jacket and went downstairs.
She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She dragged the knife up her skin from her wrist to her elbow as the blood dripped out. She set the knife down and cleaned up the blood on the floor. She didn't know that her friend Hagakure was standing just around the corner watching her.
She made a few more cuts along her other arm and wrapped them up pulling her sleeves back down and walking away.
Hagaruke ran upstairs and ran into the couples shared room.
"Guys! Deku she-" she was cut off by Bakugo
"What the hell happened to her?!" He yelled standing up
"She did something bad to herself! Go ask her!" She said running out. Katsuki and Kiri both got what she meant but didn't want to believe it. Everyone ran downstairs to find her and saw her sitting on the floor in the kitchen.
She had her head leaned back against the wall looking at the ceiling with a blank emotionless face, the bandages peeking out of her jacket sleeves slightly.
"Deku!" Katsuki yelled getting her attention
"What?" She said standing up pulling down her sleeves.
"You extras stay down here. Deku come with me." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her up the stairs.
Kiri had stayed behind in the room sitting on the bed waiting for them. Katsuki entered dragging Deku in by her hand. Kiri stood up and Katsuki sat Deku in the bed.
"What did you do."
Deku froze. Her blood ran cold as the anxiety built up inside her.
"W-What are you talking about?" She asked
"What was the invisible bitch talking about when she said you did something?!" He yelled
"N-Nothing!" She yelled pulling her sleeves down more.
"Why do you keep messing with your sleeves, and what's with the bandages?" Kiri asked stepping forward, suspicious .
"N-No reason" she said scooting back on the bed
"Deku what did you do" Kiri said stepping closer to her again
"I didn't do anything!" She said putting her arms over her chest.
Katsuki and Kiri grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her. They pulled up her sleeves to see her arms wrapped in bandages.
"Last chance what did you do." Katsuki said as she struggled to rip her arms away from them.
"N-Nothing!" She said trying to pull away.
But they were stronger than her.
They undid all the bandages to find a heartbreaking sight.
A long cut up her left arm from her wrist to her elbow, and 6 along her right arm.
"Why..." Katsuki started
"Why would you do this?" He said looking up at her with tear filled eyes
She started crying and ripped her arms away from them pulling them to her chest. She ran out of the bedroom and locked herself in the bathroom.
"Izu, can you please come out" Kiri said softly
"No! You'll hate me!" She sobbed out.
"Baby, we would never hate you" He said as tears ran down his cheeks, even Katsuki was crying
"We want to help you" He said softly
The door creaked open and they stepped back.
Dekus face popped out, her expression was broken, her eyes puffy and red, and tears were streaming down her already red face. She looked awful.
She sniffles a small hiccup coming out.
They held open their arms for her which she gladly accepted. She sobbed into their shoulders as they comforted her.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed out as they hugged her
"It's okay we just want to make sure your okay" Katsuki said softly, rubbing her back
"Can you just promise not to do that again, please?" Kiri said to her
After a minute she calmed down enough to talk
"I promise" she said rubbing her eyes
"Do you want to tell them?" Kiri asked her
She violently shook her head and hugged Katsuki tighter. She didn't ever want them to know.
Kiri nodded and hugged both of them. They stayed like that for awhile. The only sounds being sniffles and hiccups coming from Deku.
After a few minutes Deku fell asleep and Kiri picked her up. He laid her in the bed and they both got in with her. They cuddled until they all fell asleep together.


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now