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I woke up and saw Kiri and Kacchan. I smiled softly at them before cuddling into Kiri. I think I woke him up but I don't care I'm comfy and I'm not moving. I heard Kacchan chuckle and a camera snap. I blushed and looked up
"Kacchan" I whined slurring out the word hiding my face back in Kiris chest.
I heard him chuckle as he pet my head. After a few minutes I reluctantly got up and went to the closet I found an outfit with a note

Dear Deku,
          You still have to wear anything I choose so I got you this. You gotta wear it all day
  Love ,

I grabbed it and took it to the bathroom. I changed into it and looked in the mirror. I guess it's okay. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't see Kiri or Kacchan in the bedroom so I walked to the living room. I found them both on the couch on their phones. I simply walked past them into the kitchen. Yesterday I had gotten some katsudon and saved the leftovers. I took that out of the fridge, heated it up, and ate it. I threw away the trash and walked into the living room. I walked over to the couch and hopped over the back in between the two boys yelling
They jumped and both dropped their phones. I was laughing so hard at this as they clenched their chests breathing heavily.
"What the hell was that?!?!?!" Kacchan yelled.
I wiped away the tears from laughing so hard
"I had to! You would have done it to me too!" I said giggling
He sighed and face palmed himself, I was laughing super hard and so was Kiri. After a few minutes we had stopped laughing and walked down to the commons. Most of the people were down there so I waved and sat in the corner of the room by myself. I have always been more of a loner so I find it relaxing unless I'm with Kiri and Kacchan of course.

I brought a book with me and was reading when Kiri came over and squatted I front of me.
"Why are you by yourself?" He asked me as I looked up from my book and at him.
"I don't know I'm just reading" he looked kinda... upset?
"What?" I said confused
"Why don't you come hang out with us?" He asked
"I don't trust them" I said
"They haven't earned it yet, they don't know one single thing about me." I said closing my book
"Then why don't we do 20 questions and they can learn about you" he said hopefully
"Fiiiinnnneee but only cause you asked nicely" I said kissing him cheek before standing up.
I grabbed his hand and basically pulled him up. We walked over to the class
"Hey guys who wants to play 20 questions so we can learn more about Deku!" He yelled I blushed slightly and stepped behind him.
They all agreed and sat on the floor in front of me I was sitting on a coffee table tapping my finger against my chin
"So ask me anything you really want. I'll answer basically anything" I said closing my eyes.
"What's your biggest pet peeve?" I'm not paying any attention to who asks so I just answer
"Boys thinking they can touch me without my consent"
"Have you ever broken a bone before?"
"I've broken about 30 bones, a bunch of fingers, my wrists, my legs, and a few ribs" they all looked at me shocked
"How are you still alive?!?!"
"I'm still trying to figure that out myself" I said with a small giggle
"What's your favorite thing to do?"
"Hmm practice my fighting and practice with my gun. Before you ask yes I have a gun not here it's at my house and yes I know how to use a gun"
"What's the worst lie you've ever told your parents"
"That I was at the park when I was actually at a club"
"And they believed it too"
"What word would you describe your boyfriends with?"
"Hot." I said
"Okay weird question but what's the longest you've ever gone without a shower?"
"Hmm I think a month?" I shrugged
"What was your most embarrassing moment ever?" I sighed
"Umm probably dancing in front of you guys" I said
"What's your quirk?" I stood up
"I'll show you."

I closed my eyes and brought my hands out palms up. I opened my eyes and the one thing I hate the most about me came out. I forgot they come out when I use my quirk. I flew up and everyone in the room floated up with me. I closed my eyes and found a memory in my mind. I chose the memory oft first day. The exact events played out on a screen sort of thing in front of me. I took the memory from a student in the back and showed that.
"I can access any memory I want from any person" I said letting everyone down and trying to hide my biggest insecurity.
My wings.
I have angel wings and a freaking Halo. I hate them they are really annoying. I also have a demon side but it doesn't come out very often
"If I use it the person is under some sort of trance where they can't move so they are vulnerable for attack" I said finally getting my wings to shrink down some.
"THATS SO COOL!!" Mina screamed.
I was so confused. Dad always told me they were awful, and people would hate me if they saw them.
"W-What?" I stuttered out.
"The wings and quirk they are so cool!" She said pointing to the wings.
"Th-thanks" I said with a wave of pink dusting over my cheeks.
My halo and wings turned light pink they change colors with my emotions. I walked over to Kiri and Kacchan and walked behind them. They understood I was embarrassed and they sat by me on the floor everyone sat back down and we continued.
"So what's the worst thing you've ever done"
"Probably getting tattooed and pierced at the age of 13" I shrugged.

After about an hour we finished and I was close to sleep. I fell asleep laying my head in Kacchans lap laying the rest of me over Kiri on the couch.


Deku passed out with her head in my lap and I picked her up. I carried her to the dorm. I laid her down in her bed and me and Kiri changed. We laid down next to her and fell asleep cuddling.


Badass Fem Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now