the encounter

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Oh shit as if my life isn't complicated enough now i have to deal with the fact that i want to fuck my boss.

"Your the boss,like this is your business" I said nervously.

"Yes i am and i expect you to do your job and do it above expectations or your both fired and believe me i won't hesitate to get your asses thrown out of here, got it" he said in a firm voice.

Wow he was really different from the guy i met last night. His warm friendly eyes stared at me with coldness as if last night never happened. Maybe i was just drunk and i imagined him or maybe he was drunk and didn't remember? Whatever was going on though was starting to get in my head.

We got back to our office and we had a tone of work to do, Vanessa would not let up.
"Are you ok Leah"? Mike asked me

"Yeah, im fine. why did you ask"?

"You seem off since we saw our boss. Don't tell me you let that jerk intimidate you" he said

"What No that's not it" i said to mike

"Well what's wrong?"

"Ok, you remember last night i told you about the guy i met and we kissed?" I said

"Oh fuck, thats the guy? " he said with a shocked expression on his face

"I don't know what to do he hasn't even acknowledged who i am. I usually don't care about this shit no guy has ever been able to make feel anything but he is in my emotions since last fucking night and i hate it. I don't even fucking no him" i said frantically to mike.

"Make him talk to you just to clear the air it will make you see who he is and what you mean to him or if he just wants to keep it business" mike said.

"No, him and i will only keep it professional because even if it could be more, my family would never allow it."

"What are you going to do"? Mike asked.

"Just let it go" i said to him.

Could i really just let this go though? I've dated guys before and I've kissed guys before but never like this. I've never been with a man that made my body shiver at the thought of his touch. I have to shake this, my life is to complicated for any form of romance. I have to shake this and i have to shake this fast.
"I'll be back im going to find the coffee machine" i said to mike. He nodded and i proceeded to find the coffee room.

15 minutes later

Where the hell is the damn coffee room...within a instant i felt a strong pair of hands one touching my arm and the other grips my waist pulling me into a room. He pent my body up against the door and pressed his body against mines, he used one of his hands to tilt my head up and began looking me deep in my eyes and i saw the warmth and passion and just like that there he was again the man that captured my mind last night

"Hello love" Ace said to me softly

I placed my hands on his lower back making us even closer so that there's no space in between us. "Hi" i replied with a slight smile."i thought you had forgotten about me ".

"How could i forget such a beautiful face" he said and in that moment he kissed me.

My body was heating up and it turned into a water fall ready for him to explore me. It took every bit of strength i had not to rip this man's clothes off and jump into his arms. I wanted him, i desired him so bad that it was starting to over power my mind

Ace's POV

I looked into her beautiful silver gray eyes and caressed her soft skin and all i could think about is how much i want her, how much i desire her. Her scent was so intoxicating and the way she lets her curly hair slightly fall above her eye. I can't deny that she has been on my mind so heavily since i met her last night. I wondered if i would ever see her again and to my surprise this beautiful woman is here working for me. I don't know what to do because this is a complicated situation and my life style is dangerous to drag her in but i want this girl and the way she is holding me tightly to her perfectly fingered body lets me know she feelings the same. I just want to stand here and kiss her soft sweet lips forever. I finally pull myself away from her, i hate being mean to her but right now i have to be her boss.

"I will not be kissing you again" i said to her coldly.

With a confused look upon her face she says "why"

"Because im your fucking boss that's why and i said so and whatever i say goes"

"But your the one who dragged me in here your the one who just then really wanted me i can tell by the way you just kissed me" Leah said

I laughed mockingly at what she said. "I kiss every girl like that trust me you are not special and as far as wanting you, i wouldn't give any woman that much satisfaction. Your dismissed for the day love go home and sleep this little fantasy off, i mean i can't blame you who wouldn't want to be with me. Im all the man you can stand love. Now go your dismissed." I said to her

For some stange reason it kinda hurt talking to her like that i didn't understand why the feeling that after that she wouldn't want to talk to me again bothered me so much. What is this girl doing to me.

"Fuck you your nothing but a egotistical jackass" she yelled as she walked out the door.

Yeah i need a drink after this shit.
*makes a phone call *
"Tony my office now bro" i said on the phone

Leah's POV

I can't believe that son of a bitch. I was so angry i begin to punch the wall. I immediately went back to my office and prepared to go. Vanessa asked Mike if he was ready but i told him he can stay if he wants, he agreed to stay and told me he would drop by later. I was so furious how could i let this jerk get to me so bad but i know now we are strictly business. I just want to go home shower and for get his stupid face.

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