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I don't know why i let him do that to me but what i do know is i will never fall for that jerk again. Ughhh!! Why am i so bothered by this? My phone had beeped an it was a message from mike asking me if i wanted to go to this A list party tonight and that Vanessa really wanted us there for business. I replied yeah I'll come and he said be ready in two hours, i said ok and continued to take my bath.

1 hour later

I should get dressed now. I go to my closest and put on my long black fitted evening gown with my diamond necklace and my black heels. I took a moment to straighten my hair and apply my lipstick. Ok im ready i thought to myself, moments later mike was here and we left to the party.

We finally arrived to the party and vanessa greeted us.
"Hi guys glad you could make it"
She introduced us to all the important people then she walks us over to Ace. I can't stand this guy, but why does he have to look so damn good. He was standing there staring me up and down and i can see the hunger for me starting to grow by looking at his eyes but no i will not fall for those eyes this time.
"Sir Michael and Leah are here like you requested " Vanessa said to him

Wait what, he wanted us here , he wanted me here after he dismissed me. What kinda sick game is he trying to play?
"Thank you Vanessa, i wanted you two here because I  wanted you to get use to this. My business is associated with alot of these people so you need to get familiar in these type of surroundings. Tonight you will not have to work, however, after this every event will be business. Don't fucking embarrass me and don't get into to much conversation. Do I make myself clear or do i need to handle this shit now and kick your asses out" he said to us

"Yes sir, crystal clear sir". Mike responded

Everyone looked at me and all that went threw my mind was smacking this jackass.

"are you fucking deaf or to stupid to comprehend " he said to me

"Excuse me, who the he-" i was cut off by mike

"Hell wouldnt understand sir" he said trying to cover up what i was about to say "leah understands perfectly right leah" he said with a look on his face trying to calm me down and get me to agree.

"Yeah i get it" i said trying to hide my anger.

I really hate this guy. I turned and mingled with the guest it was to much being around him. Mike and i talked to alot of people and all of them were rich and alot of them seem nice but you never really know how people really are I'm learning that know.

"Mike I'm going on the balcony for a moment i need some air"

I walk outside trying to get my mind off of things but then boom it came to an end because Ace is out here smoking. I immediately turn around to walk away but not fast enough because he acknowledged my presence.

"Can't stay away from me can you love" he said with a confident smile.

"Oh, i can let me show you"

" i bet its alot you can show me babe, unfortunately its a no" he said

"The only thing i want to show you is how i want to kick your ass"

"aww babe thats not nice" he said mockingly.

"You are the biggest asshole i ever seen" i said to him

"Oh baby, the amount of fucks im prepared to give are at an all time low. Now run along and go play with the other kids" he said and started back smoking.

"I hate you" i said to him in anger

" the feeling is mutual baby" he said to me while winking his eye.

"I dont understand how you can go from wanting me to being so cold. Why are you so fucking mean to me. I yelled in frustration.

He grabbed me by my arms and forcefully pressed our bodies against each other and kissed me again. I tried to fight it until i felt my body give in to his intoxicating presence. Each kiss that he gives me sends my body threw title waves. Why am i kissing him after everything thats happened today? I just couldn't resist him.


I couldn't stand it anymore I wanted her body against mines so bad. I needed to taste her, i needed to feel her, i needed her period. I'm mean to her but i have to be she doesn't need someone like me no matter how much i wished she did. I'm a villain all I'll ever do is destroy her but i can't  stay away.

"I want you love thats why" i said to her as i gently rub her lips. I kissed her again and started walking away.

"I want you to" she said as i was walking." But do you really mean that Ace, do you really want me"

"More then you'll ever know"  i said to her then continued to go back inside.

I really don't understand whats happening to me. This shit is driving me nuts. I talked to a couple guest, i looked across the room and saw her and Michael leaving. I wondered about him for a moment. Is he dating her? Has he smashed her? Jealousy started to creep upon me and i had to remind myself that i have no right to be. Damn this woman is starting to screw up my mind.

"Hi bartender I need a drink" i yelled to him

"Yes sir right away" said the bartender.

Leah's POV

He just confessed to wanting me. What should i do? should i wait for him to come back? Should i go after him? I need to get out of here. I find mike and told him i wanted to leave. He was glad because he was exhausted. We get home and i change into my pajama dress. I go lay down and process this entire night. Its 2AM i need some rest.
I wake up because my phone is receiving a message.

Who the hell is messaging me at 3AM.
I open the message and its him. Ace is texting my phone

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