the message

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Why on earth would Ace message me. I opened the message and it said

"Thinking about how soft your lips feel pressed against mines,i wish you were all mines love".

My mind took me back to each one of our kisses and the sensation of him and me throbbed between my legs. Oh lord this man is really taking me there just from the thought of him.
I replied "Want is a complicated word."

"But its the best way i can describe how im feeling about you" he said.

I slightly blushed at what he had sent but i can't keep letting him get to me so i responded
"Goodnight sir work in the morning"

"Lol i know i made your schedule but Goodnight love" he texted.

I laughed and all my thoughts raced to him. Yea i need a cold shower after dealing with this guy.

At work

I get to work and i noticed a lot of different men going in and out of Ace's office more then the usual.

"Vanessa, i don't mean to pry but what's going on in there" i said with a confused look on my face.

" Mr. Jackson is a very busy man he has a million things going on all the time and a lot of different meetings with different people he has traffic in and out all the time nothing to be concerned about dear" she said to me in a cool tone.

"Oh ok then" i instantly get back to work. I can't believe how much stuff i was learning so quickly about owning a business.

"Leah run and get Mr. Jackson a cup of coffee. He likes 4 sugars and 2 hazel nut creamers. Hurry Mr. Jackson does not like to be kept waiting nor does he like drinking cold coffee" Vanessa said to me.

I head towards the coffee room it didn't  take long this time because I'm finally getting familiar with the place. Great just my luck some asshole drunk all the coffee and didn't make another pot. "I better get this started so i dont keep him waiting" i said to myself as i began brewing him a fresh cup.

Moments later

I felt a warm familiar presence stand firmly behind me and without looking back i already knew who this was. He pressed his warm body against mines and begin to swoop my hair to one side, exposing my ear and my neck. I tilted my head to the side because i wanted him to have full access to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and began to caress them down to my hands, thats when he locked his fingers into mines and all i could do was close my eyes and imagine his body in mines wondering if  he feels just as good as his touch.

"Ace we can't" i managed to softly say to him"

"I know" he whispered in my ear in a gentle tone as he started to trail kisses down my neck.

I couldn't control how he makes me feel and i hated it but I've never felt so satisfied. I placed my hand on the back of his neck pulling him on me signaling that i wanted him and i didn't want him to stop. He placed his hand on my breast massaging it, he had my body on fire, i wanted more of him. He held me tightly to him with one arm across my stomach and the other made its way to my face, he tilted my head towards his and our lips were only inches apart.

"I've never wanted anyone as much as i want you." He said to me looking me deep into my eyes.

I smashed my lips into his and turned towards him wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him like i was a lion hungry haunting for pry. I had unbuttoned his shirt and he had ripped mines, he picked me up placing me on the counter and i wrapped my legs around his waist. He had begun trailing kisses nibbling and gently sucking down to my breast when suddenly a knock on the door happened
"Hey who locked the door" said an unknown employee.

We quickly got up and began fixing our clothes.

" I'm sorry" we said at the same time. For a second we both looked at each other and smiled.

"I should probably go, Vanessa must be wondering where i am and more importantly if you got your coffee" i said with a smirk.

He laughed and said "yea i should go to"

" if she ask ,you got the coffee ok"

"I'll tell her i held you up when you came so no worries I'm the boss remember that babe" he said with a seductive look on his face.

"How can i forget "boss" ."

"It sounds so much sexier when you say it " he said.

"That's not all that's sexier about me daddy" i said playfully

"Keep talking to me like that and i swear your ass is not going to make it out of this room, I'll give you a reason to call me daddy"

I laughed and blew him a kiss as i proceeded to walk out the door. I made it to Vanessa and just as she was about to grill me Ace walked up and said

"it's ok Vanessa i had her with me"

"Oh my apologies i had no idea, Leah get back to work. I take this job very serious and i love it" she said to us.

"I know thats why your my top girl" he said as he patted her shoulder and walked towards his office.

Suddenly this beautiful woman with pale colored skin long flowing dark hair appeared out of no where and yelled "Ace Jackson"

He turned around as if he already knew the voice he smiled as she ran into his arms and jumped all over him. I was getting furious. Who the hell is that?? Why is she on my man? No damn he's not my man but fuck it she still don't need to be on him. Without even realizing it i busted out and said

"who the fuck is she"

She smirked and replied

"I'm Hailey Ace's girl"

My heart sank like somebody was trying to rip it out. How could i have been so stupid Ace has a girlfriend

 How could i have been so stupid Ace has a girlfriend

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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