Lifegaurd (MegNika)

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Onika's POV

"Finally I can relax!" Lauren sighed out laying back in the sun lounger. Her and Cassie dragged me out the house today to go to our community pool since it's 101 degrees out. I really didn't want to go because I just got my hair straightened so I don't want it to get it wet of course, I can't swim, and I'm absolutely terrified of large bodies of water, but they made me come. Lauren only wanted to come so she could "relax" and Cassie wanted to come to see some new lifeguards they've been swooning over, I hadn't been here since last summer so I was curious to see what the hype was all about.

"Girl bye, we are at a community pool, please." Cassie said making me cackle.

"What? I can't relax at the CP?" Lauren asked turning to Cass with a scowl on her face.

"I'm just saying this isn't my ideal place for relaxing." Cassie replies. Lauren scoffed turning back towards the pool.

"Well I'm not you." She sassed. Making me laugh and shake my head at the two.

"Clearly." Cassie shot back and Lauren scoffed again.

"Whatever, have y'all seen the new lifeguard anywhere?" Lauren said looking around the pool.

"Nope. I think I'd notice if somebody that fine were here." Cass answered. I turned my attention looking at all the lifeguard post not seeing any unfamiliar faces.

"I guess, we'll find out when thirsty bitches start throwing themselves into the pool and start fake drowning." Lauren said making all three of us shake with laughter.

"There's no way these bitches are doing something that pathetic." I spoke up through my laughs.

"You'd be surprised." Cassie chuckled shaking her head. I shook my head, I'd never be that desperate to throw myself into a pool for a lifegaurd no matter how fine. Plus that lifeguard can't be THAT fine.


We were laying in our chairs with our sunglasses on watching the kids do cannonballs into the pool when Lauren gasped sharply and sat up. Me and Cassie both looked down her way confused.

"What?" I asked. She pointed her finger stumbling over her words.

"There she is!" She exclaimed happily and began fixing herself up.

Me and Cass turned our attention to the direction she was pointing in. I noticing very quickly what she and everybody else was getting all excited about.

"Lifegaurd?" I asked my attention staying on the unfamiliar woman.

"The NEW lifegaurd." Lauren and Cassie mumbled simultaneously in a daze.

I nodded watching the mysterious woman walk through the crowd of drooling men and women. I did notice she was definitely attractive. Her bright red bikini showed off her smooth deep caramel skin, her long wavy tresses flowed as she walked, my eyes traveled lower noticing the bottom of her bouncing breast peeking out of her slightly undersized bikini top, I bit my lip as I brought my gaze down to her toned abs her belly ring glistening in the sun, and she had the thickest thighs. I suddenly understood why girls were risking it all and diving into the water.

I watched as she made her way to her station sucking on a red blow pop. She made it to her station and began climbing up the ladder to her chair when the fattest ass attached to her back side caught my attention.

"Daaanm" I mumbled watching it jiggle as she climbed up the ladder. I bit my lip harder as naughty thoughts came to mind.

"The things I'd let her do to me!" Cassie said as all three of us watched her get comfy in the seat and pull her shades up.

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