Chapter 11: Swimming Blues

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October 29, 1:15 PM: Luxurious high end shops lined both ends of the marble lane. Brand names were everywhere as the sweet scent of perfume lingered in the air. The brightly-lit shopping complex was unnaturally quiet; there was hardly a soul around.

Well, except for...


"What the fuck do you want?!" he grumbled as he glared down at the kid, "Xian."

"What're we even doing here?" she groaned, "We've been here for hours."

Gun turned his nose up at her and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Tsk. Keep walking, kid."

She let out a whine as she sulked, dragging her feet as she walked behind him. She was still in her slippers and pyjamas because Gun hadn't let her get changed. He did, however, lend her his coat so she wouldn't get cold. At least it smelled nice. It smelled husky and warm, with that hint of cigarette smoke.

Ugh, she already regretted saying she wanted to go swimming. Now, all she wanted to do was curl up with Goo and continue dress-shopping. It was better than walking circles with Gun. Did he even know where he was going?

Probably not.

She yawned tiredly as she struggled keep up. His legs were so long she had to jog just to keep the same pace as him. It was getting annoying. She wasn't used to feeling so short.

Just then, she spotted his arm swinging freely beside him and an idea popped into her head.

She tugged on his sleeve.

"Kid, what d'you want?"

"Can I hold your hand?"

Gun turned so fast he heard his neck crack. He stared down at her in disbelief, wondering if he heard her right.

Nonetheless, his answer was set in stone.


"What?! Oh c'mon!"

"You heard me.

"Goo lets me hold his hand!"

His face darkened.

"I'm. Not. Goo."


"Tsk. Keep walking, kid," he muttered, adjusting his collar as he began to stride ahead of her.

She squeaked as she ran up to his side, not wanting to be left behind. She tugged on his sleeve again, whining as she brushed against him until he shoved her off. The glare he sent her would've sent a sane person running but all she did was smile at him hopefully, not the slightest bit fazed. 


Gun faltered a little.

'Is she really not scared of me?' he thought, glowering at her in annoyance, 'Fuck, why's she so troublesome? I already have to teach her Korean. My candidates shouldn't be this much work for me-- Wait what's she doing--...'

She brushed her arm against his own sweetly but he recoiled as if she were made of fire. The grin slipped off her face and he watched in horror as she stuck her bottom lip out, so full and pink as her eyes rounded and she stared up at him like an animal wounded.

"My hands are cold," she whimpered.

Gun grimaced at her tone. 

"Oh for fuck's sake-- Fine!" 

Her face lit up.


'Wow I didn't think this would work--'

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