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Lucy stared at the man in front of her. He was a tall standing man. She dared to look him in his onyx eyes, but it was okay to her. Since she had nothing to loose. He gave her a confused look. He walked closer to her, she cautiously backed up, until she hit the wall. " Why so quick to give yourself away? " He asked. " It means nothing to me " She said. He frowned. " Why? " He asked. " That's what I was taught, so that's what I believe. It's simple " She said with no evident emotion. " So you don't care if I do this? " He asked and he ran his fingers up the side of her body, sending a shiver down her spine. He could see the look in her eyes now. It suddenly changed. It was pain. But determined. Since she didn't care, she let it happen.

~The next day~

Lucy woke up. Memories of last night came back. She pulls the covers up off her a little and sees the bloody sheets. Her eyes widened with shock. She never cared before, so why is she this affected by it. A butler comes in the room and bows at Lucy. " My name is Sebastian, master has sent me to give you these clothes " He said and placed a box down on the bedside foot stool. She wipes her tears away and slowly crawls to the end of the bed. She takes a box and she goes and showers in his bathroom and then gets changed into the clothes. It was a Black boohoo Mesh Ruched Mini dress. She also had some black strappy stiletto pump platform heels. " Wow, this dress is from one of MiraJane's best clothing lines... " Lucy said in awe. " Actually, they are the newest ones " Sebastian corrects her. " W-why did he get these f-for me? " Lucy asked. " Em... Master says as... Compensation " Sebastian said reluctantly. " Compensation... " Lucy said in a low, confused tone. Then she realized it was last night, he took her first time. Lucy clenched her fists. This isn't right. " W-where can I find him? " She asked. " Master is staying at the hotel called 'The tower of heaven' in Hargeon, miss. It's very popular among business men " He answered. " Okay, I'll go there then. Thanks " She said with a smile. " Wait miss, we shall escort you there " He said stopping her. " Oh, thanks " Lucy said.

~At the tower of heaven~

Lucy goes into the lobby. " Sebastian said he's on the 70th floor... " She said looking at the small piece of paper in her hand. " There's a lot of people here today. Why would he want to be in such a crowded building-- " She was cut off when she feel down. " Is that little Lulu? " Asked a familiar voice. Lucy's eyes widen with fear. No it can't be.. She thought. She looked up to see her half sister Michelle. Lucy stands up and dusted her clothes off. I shouldn't ruin these clothes that he gave me... She thought. Michelle grabs Lucy's hand to move it out the way. She is shocked. " How... How did you get that? It hasn't even been released in stores yet... " She asked. Lucy swats Michelle's hand away, and Michelle made it looked like Lucy pushed her down. " Michelle! " Yells her mother coming to the scene. Lucy feels someone's hand hit her face, she stumbled back and fell down. This commotion caused some people to look. " What have you done to your younger sister?! " Jude yelled angrily. Lucy was shocked. " F-father... " She said lowly. " Your a stupid bitch who doesn't deserve the name heartfilia! " Michelle's mother yelled and almost hit Lucy. Lucy closed her eyes and braces for impact, when it never came. She opens her eyes and someone was holding her wrist so it didn't hit Lucy. She looked up and it was the same man from last night. Natsu Dragneel. " Who dares to-- " Jude abruptly stopped when he recognized his face. " Is that any way to treat the eldest child? " Natsu asked. Lucy was still surprised, he saved her. " M-my apologies Mr Dragneel... " Jude said and bows multiple times. He let's go of her wrist. How did she get involved with Mr Dragneel...?! Michelle thought. Natsu picked Lucy up by her arm, but not in a violent way, just to help her up. " Sebastian tells me you came here to see me? " He asked. Lucy nodded. He lead her up to his room

~In Natsu's room~

Natsu sits on his bed and loosens up his tie. " Now what is it that you want to talk about? " He asked. " Um... It's about the outfit... " She said. " Is it not to your liking? I can get you a different one. Any one you would like to pick out " He said. " No that's not it. But I can't accept it " She said. " Why not? I took something away from you did I not? " He asked. " Yes, but I was the one who initiated it, I could have just left you alone instead... " Lucy argues. " And just as easily as you could've done that, I could have sent you away " He said. " But I didn't need to-- " Natsu interrupted her. " We do a lot of things we don't need to. You didn't need to try and give yourself away to me, I didn't need to have sex with you, and you didn't need to wake up in my bed. Yet all of that happened anyways " He said. " It's fine, I want you to take the dress back " She said. He shakes his head. " No " He answered. " You know what I'll just burn the dress! " She said. " I'll just buy you more than " He shrugged. " I will burn those too " She said. " I will send one everyday. Eventually you will get tired of burning them " He said. " Anyways, why are you so fixated on getting rid of the dress? " He asked. " I.. I... I " She stutters. I've never been given any thing... She thought. " Never mind. but just keep the dress and shoes " He sighed. Lucy gives up. She didn't argue with him.

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