Hey, Future Me

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So this is my message for Future Me... (this is from my other book, read it <3)

Hey, how's the weather? Are you happy? Have you accomplished what you've wanted to do for a long time like make your parents proud and not disappoint them every day?

Can you finally say that you're really beautiful and people need you? Did you stop pushing yourself down, because no matter what anyone says (even yourself), you're the worst enemy for yourself? Can you experience days where you're not troubled and things are going smoothly for you? Well, even things are not going the way they're supposed to, are you able to overcome them?

If at least one of these is a yes...

I am so proud of you. So much to the point that I think you're an amazing person and you deserve all the love you get. You don't know how much that would make me happy... and relieved.

keep on smiling, me. You can get through this, I believe in you, everyone does. Just let them believe in you. don't shut the door on them and let them drown you with kindness.

The current me doesn't like getting kindness because I think I don't deserve it. So be grateful, for everything. EVERYTHING. And one day, you'll feel that that everything would be thankful for you.

Lots of love, Shalei <3333

if you're reading this. I'm thankful that you're alive and smiling, feeling happiness. If not, don't worry. Someone's there for you. You may not see it at first, but I believe that there is someone that loves you as much as I do. <3

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