The Cold

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Lance's POV:

"Alright team, just another quick rundown on the mission. We're going down to this planet to search for our anonymous contact. Any questions?" Shiro said from the pilot's chair of the pod.

"Yeah, I got a few. Why don't we have our bayards, armor, or our lions!?" Hunk said, sounding a bit worried.

"I already told you. This planet's inhabitants don't want to be associated with Voltron. If they find out we're here, they'll kill us on sight." he replied as we entered the planet's atmosphere.

"Again. Why don't we have our bayards!?" Hunk said, and everyone sighed and groaned.

"Because we're trying to avoid a fight, Hunk! Now, any other questions?" Shiro yelled, snapping in frustration. We all stayed silent. "Good. Now, when we split up, please stick close to your partners. Remember your survival 101 if you guys get into trouble and have to hunker down." he said, gently setting the pod down.

I looked around at everybody. Everyone was wearing big winter coats that were color coded to our lions. We all had gloves on, except Keith. He refused to take off his fingerless gloves. I pulled up my black scarf to cover to bottom half of my face for warmth and put on my goggles.

You're wondering why we're dressed so warmly? Well, we're on a planet completely covered in snow! Snow was my new second favorite thing when I moved to the U.S., right after the beach, and my mom's garlic knots. So third favorite thing. We all, including Allura, exited the pod, immediately feeling a cool breeze.

"Alright, Allura and I will go this way. Hunk, Pidge, you two go back that way. Keith and Lance, go that way. All of you contact us if you find the contact or get into trouble. Got it?" Shiro said, and we all nodded. I turned to Keith, and he was already trudging off in our direction. I rolled my eyes, running to catch up to him.


It's been about twenty minutes now, and we haven't seen anything but endless snow.

"Keith, we should head back! We've gone a little far! We can't even see the pod anymore!" I yelled over the blowing wind and snow. He looked at me, thought for a moment, then nodded. I nodded back, and we turned around. As soon as we did, I spotted an animal just a few feet away from us. I went wide eyed, grabbing Keith's arm. He stopped, seeing it too. It was at least ten feet tall. The front half looked like a demonic wolf, the back half looked more monkey.

"Oh god." I gasped, realizing it was in an attack position.

"Run!" Keith yelled, pulling me back and away from the animal. We started running at full speed as we heard it roaring. I looked back, knowing we wouldn't be able to outrun it. It was about to jump us both.

In a last second decision, I grabbed Keith and pulled him down to the ground. I heard the beast roar as it jumped over and passed us. We quickly got back to our feet, about to turn and run the other way. Before we could move any further, we heard loud cracking all around. We froze, and so did the animal, who was still lying on its stomach from the landing. I slowly bent down and wiped away some snow. Underneath, all I could see was very thin ice, all about to shatter.

"Oh no." I said under my breath, looking back up at Keith. Without another second, the ice broke and we started falling.

"AAAAHH!!!" We both screamed as we free fell, nothing nearby to grab onto. When I looked down again, I saw that we were nearing the bottom quickly. Not knowing if it was ice or snow, I braced myself for a hard impact.

It never came. I hit the bottom, but I just sunk three or four feet into the snow. I sighed in relief as I quickly climbed out. When I did, I looked around for Keith.

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