Wake up...

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"Rise and Shine, Mr. Freeman, Rise and Shine."

-GMan, Half-Life 2

Under a pine tree, Alex woke up to his face in some unkempt grass and dirt. Turning around he quickly covers his eyes from the harsh sun. As his eyes adjusted he saw a person in a German Wehrmacht uniform walk over to him. His rifle was held in a non-threatening manner and his face was instant, unlike his own. The German shoulder his rifle and held out a hand. "You need help?" He asked in near-perfect English. "Nein, aber Danke," Alex replied in sup-par German.

"Oh, du sprichst Deutsch?" The Greman asked. "Only a little, you speak English?" The German gave a small smile and said "Only a little." he replied. "hmph, so, what's your name?" asked Alex "William, my name is William." The German, now named William, extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you." Alex firmly grabs William's hand and shook it. "So, how did you get here?" Alex asked. William looks wheat from friendly into a blank one. "I do not remember, you?" He asked hoping for something. "I don't remember anything, I'm not even sure where we are."

The two soldiers stood in silence for what felt like hours until William spoke up. "Look, we are standing on a road, most likely someone will drive or walk by and we can ask them for detections, ok?" Alex nods then started to dig in his pockets for something. When he found what he was looking for, a pack of cigarettes, he tried to find a lighter but didn't. "Hay, William," he asked, "you have a light?" William nods and produces a Zippo. "Zigarette?" William asked pointing at the pack of smokes. Alex gave him one and lits his, then Alex's.

The two took long drags on the figs before William started to giggle. "What's so funny?" Alex asked. "I thought of a funny joke." stated William, "Well then, let's hear it then." "Vell, a German is driving around London, a police officer pulls him over to the side of the road. Then the cop says," Willam paused before putting on a fake and overdone British accent. "Sir, do you realize that there are two poisonous snakes on your windshield?" he paused again, "Ja, Vere is mine Vindsheld Vipers." The two soldiers started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Oh man, that's funny." Comment Alex though his laughter. "You made that one up yourself?" "No," William answered, "an American who moved in when I was 6 told me, he would always tell jokes when he what's at the bar." "What happened to him?" "The police knocked on his door and we never saw him again."Then the soldiers began to hear a deep rumbling noise. "Is that a tank?" Alex asked to no-one in particular. As the vehicle came into view, it was indeed a tank. But said tank wasn't the Sherman Alex was hoping for, but a tank he hasn't seen before. The tanks coastal gun fired at Alex and William as the ran for there life.


To be Continued 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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