Chapter seventeen : Family

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Sans : So you're really pregnant doll ?

Elyon : Yeah I am Sans hihi.

/ Elyon and Papyrus had finally announced to someone that they were going to be parents. And that they were going to get married. Sans was the first to know. He was surprised but happy for his brother and his future wife\

Sans : And you're going to get married. Well that was fast.

Elyon : Well I really wanted to have a child before our wedding.

Papyrus : And I couldn't wait anymore ~

Sans : And It's me who's impatient ? What a joke.

Papyrus : Don't start you jackass ~ ! You've always been an impatient and arrogant idiot ~ !

Elyon : You two are impatients and arrogants jackass. So don't fight. Besides I'm sure everyone will be agree with me.

/The two brothers stayed silent for a moment. As the saying goes, you don't contradict a woman. Because she's always right\

Elyon : Anyway, do you know when Windgings will be home ?

Papyrus : In thirty minutes or an hour maybe ~ 

Elyon : Hm .. yet I told him I had great news to tell him and he told me he would be qui-

Windgings : I'm here.

/Papyrus and Sans looked at Wingdings, quite shocked. How did he-? Never mind. How can they be shocked at this state ?\

Windgings : So what is these great news ?

Elyon : I'm pregnant and me and Papyrus are going to be get married !

/Windgings said nothing for a moment. Then, he walked over to her and took her in his arms. He hugged her tightly, without hurting her. His two sons looked at him, not knowing what to say. Windgings ended up stroking Elyon's head, as if she was a child, then he placed a tender kiss on her forehead\

Windgings : Congratulations darling. I'm really happy for you. You'll be a great mother, I'm sure of it. If you need anything, ask me I will be there.

Elyon : Aaaannd ? 

/ Windgings sighed and looked at Papyrus\

Windgings : Even if I'm strict with you, even if I wasn't a good father to you, I want you to know that I'm still proud of you. And I want you to be a better father than I will never be.

/ Papyrus was shocked, so shocked that he didn't know what to say. Wingdings stood up and headed for the stairs. But Elyon stopped him\

Elyon : Wait Windgings ! I want to talk to you in private. You know .. the "talk".

Windgings : Oh yes sure darling.

/Elyon got up and kissed Papyrus's forehead\

Elyon : Be right back love. You can take a big glass of wine if you want.

Papyrus : Yeah .. I will need it. And some fresh air too.

Elyon : Hihi don't worry. It will be alright.

/ Windgings and Elyon went down the hall, far enough for no one to hear. Elyon had a serious look on her face. It must be done before Papyrus and her get married and have a baby. Whether Windgings likes it or not\

Elyon : Windgings ... They have to know .. I want Papyrus to know that he had a mother and what happened before our wedding.

Windgings : You .. You can tell them darling. You're right. They have to know.

Elyon : What do you mean by "You can tell them" ? Why does it have to be me ? You're their father ! The only family they have left !

Windgings : I can't ! I just .. can't. I know you will do it better than me. If it's me who tell them I will just get angry and do something bad.

Elyon : I seem to hear Papyrus. I understand better now where he got this habit. But .. I don't know if I can tell them ..

Windgings : I know you can do it. You know darling, you're part of the family now. And I think you are the right person to tell them what happened.

/Elyon looked at Windgings with teary eyes. It was so .. beautiful words to her. The skeleton knelt in front of her and stroke her cheek\

Windgings : You really look like her. The same temperament and the same pretty eyes. Papyrus chooses well. He choosed the same type of woman than me. And I admit .. I was quite jealous. I started to have bad thoughts but when I talked to you, you put my ideas back in place. You are the daughter that I will never have.

Elyon : Oh Windgings that's so nice of you. You know, I understand that you are not able to speak of Millenia. I will tell them. I think I'm ready. But don't be surprised if they have questions.

Windgings : Eh I won't.

/ Elyon smiled and returned to the living room. Papyrus and Sans were still there. The young lady took a deep breath then walked towards them. The two skeletons raised their heads and looked at Elyon. They had noticed the tense atmosphere that had taken place\

Papyrus : Are you alright my beloved ~ ? Did he do something to you ~ ?

Sans : Something's wrong doll ?

Elyon : I .. I have something to tell you. It's about the reason of the fight that Windgings and Asgore had.

Papyrus and Sans : Oh ...

/A silence settles in the room. Elyon sat on the couch and took a deep breath, again. Papyrus and Sans looked at her, patiently\

Papyrus : Take your time my beloved .. ~

Sans : Yeah doll ..

Elyon : Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm sorry if I talk too quickly.

/Then, Elyon told them everything. About the meeting between Windgings and Millenia, about their crazy love, more about their mother and about her death caused by Asgore.
The two skeleton brothers were flabbergasted. They didn't know what to say .. they just .. didn't. Papyrus was more shocked than his brother because Amora told him about Millenia. This man was his father. And he was disturbed that his beloved was like his deceased mother\

Elyon : There .. you know everything now.

Papyrus : I ... I don't know what to say ~ it's too much for me.

Sans : Yeah me too ..

Elyon : I know I know ..

/ Several weeks passed and things started to go back to "normal".
This news had upset Papyrus and Sans. It had created a kind of vacuum.
From the moment Elyon had told the secret, Papyrus woke up every night. Having the same nightmare : he saw Elyon being killed by Asgore. To calm him down, Elyon made him a herbal tea and sang him a sweet song, making him a hug.
Sans started to drink even more than before. Everything was so ... blurred for him. Elyon tried to confort him as well, despite Papyrus's jealousy. She succeeded somehow. Maybe Windgings was right. She was the right person.
Everything ends up in order after a month. The two skeleton brothers had started asking questions about Millenia to Windgings. Their father had managed to answer them and Elyon was very proud of him. Besides, that had brought them together. It had made them even stronger. And more crazy too. They were determined to take revenge. And Papyrus was determined to protect his beloved.
The Gaster family was back. And Elyon and her futur baby were now considered as the most important members of the family\

♥Mine and only mine♥ MafiaFell Papyrus x OC story [FINISHED] Where stories live. Discover now