Chapter 4

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Time is the most frustrating thing in the world, Rishabh thought as he lay in his bed that night after being discharged. Usually, time sped like a bunny on the red bull but tonight it was slower than the damned turtle of the infamous childhood tale. Slow and steady wins the race, Rishabh reminded himself. It took every single ounce of control he had learned in his life to not run down to her room, to hold her, apologize and then never let go of her. He had a plan and he was going to stick to it. The stubborn woman has chosen a room on the opposite side of the palace from his room. For now, he had to be content with her being in the same house as him and breathing in the same air as her. He was enjoying this content feeling that having her in his home, where he was born, where his roots were. He had not realized until now how important it was for him to share his legacy with her.

Love is the most multi-faceted thing in the world. Rishabh thought. It makes you alive and takes everything you have from you at the same time. Just having her here breathed a new life into him and at the same time, it was so frustrating to not be able to see her, hold her. What irked him the most was that she had not even made an effort to see him. Did he not affect her at all anymore? He knows that he hurt her. All he wanted was a chance to tell her the reason why he did what he did. There was a burning need inside him to see her but in doing so he will ruin his well-laid plans. He was not going to jeopardize his well-laid plans because his heart refused to listen to his brain. So to seek comfort and figure out how much trouble he is in, he made way to Veena Ma's room instead and mid-way he realized that it was past midnight so instead he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

Prerna was all packed and ready to leave in the morning. They had come to see Rishabh and now that he was fine and home, there was no reason for her to stay here. She wanted to leave as soon as possible because she knew that even if she saw him one time her resolve will weaken. That man had a way of making her do things she doesn't want to do. She had her work and her family, she did not need him to feel fulfilled in life. Prerna Sharma does not have time for love. Time is traitor as it has passed but she still loved him. Love is a drug as her love for him was now in her blood, no way to separate it. But she can separate herself from this situation just like every addict in the world. She and her family were leaving first thing in the morning come hell or high water. She knew better than anyone else that Rishabh Samay Bajaj does not like it when you overstay your welcome or cross his very carefully laid boundaries. He kicks you out of his life and breaks your heart. She has never repeated a mistake twice and she was not planning to start now. Damn that man to hell and back she still could not sleep worrying about him. To curb her need to go see him herself and make sure he was okay she made her way to the kitchen to wallow her pity in ice cream.

Rishabh was standing with back to the kitchen entrance, pouring his coffee when he felt the hair on neck stand, air sizzle and his heart race. She was here. He turned around, coffee cup in hand, breath held, to see her after eight years. This was the moment that will be etched in his mind forever. Everything faded but her. She was his Sun and looking at his Prerna, he found his axis. He felt centered and alive after eight years. Dressed in a plain white churidar, her long hair was darker than a moonless night, not a single twinge of makeup but still her glow lit up his whole world. Her eyes were alive with anger which pierced his soul and at the same time comforted him. Gone was the girl who had once borne his soul to him and confessed her love to him. That girl had grown into a beautiful woman, the most beautiful woman on this earth. His Queen, of whom people will tell stories centuries later.

Coffee. This man who was just discharged from the hospital, still on painkillers was drinking coffee instead of resting. Apparently, thick-headedness did not reduce with time. Relief washed over her as she noticed that he was alright. A little bandage on his forehead, some minor cuts on his arms looked like his prizes of a well-fought battle. He looked like a glorious warrior king proud of his battle scars. He was standing in the middle of the kitchen, back straight, broad shoulders and eyes that could hold all the emotion in the world, well and fine. She walked to the fridge and poured a glass of milk. Walking up to him she simply traded the coffee mug with milk. She drained the coffee in the sink, went to the fridge and took out a carton of Ben and Jerry's, grabbed a spoon from the drawer and made her way out of the kitchen without saying a single word to him.

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