Chapter 5

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"I think about you. But I don't say it anymore."

Marguerite Duras,

"Time heals," a phrase that is perhaps as old as this world but Rishabh was doubting its credibility today. Will the pain he gave her ever subside? Will he ever stop aching for her? He had hoped that as time passes, she would see his side of the picture but she seemed more adamant. He was on his way to Arya's premiere for his new movie. Two weeks have passed since she had hopped on that train. Aniket had stopped him from going after her right that second as he explained to him his plan to protect Prerna. Aniket would send him a daily report on the family including the Sharmas and that summed up his interaction with Prerna. He was furious over her careless attitude about the feelings of his and her family. Her behavior had upset everyone. She was angry with him, so there was no point in punishing everyone with such careless actions. He was going out of his mind worrying for her safety as she was on the other side of the country, but he had not built everything to date by giving in to his urges, so he did what he knew best- invested all his anger, fears and worries in work. It gave him solace and clarity.

He was busy hopping between his HQ at Bangalore and the palace in Veergarh where all the renovations were going on. But maintaining this distance from her was important. The reason he had hired Aniket was that he was really good at his job. He had saved his and his family's life quite often.

"Now I know what Romeo must look like standing on that balcony," Aniket joked, sitting next to him. "Stop sulking, your highness; you will finally meet her today."

"Stop with this whole" Your Highness" business. I know you are just saying that to irritate me." Rishabh said, "The only reason I have not met her is because of you. So be warned, my friend, I am not feeling very generous towards you."

"Please, Your Highness, nobody can make you do anything that you do not want. You stayed away from her because you knew I was right." Aniket countered. This was a man who had the single-minded focus of an eagle and he was now turned inside out over a woman, "The only way to take the target off her back was you to step away from her. The plan we had put in action is at its last part, and tonight you can take her back to Veergarh. She will come with you."

"You are awfully confident of yourself," Rishabh was wary, after all, he knew his Prerna, "You are underestimating her stubbornness."

"Are you doubting my ability to do my job?" Aniket asked calmly looking straight into Rishabh's eyes, "Have I ever failed you?"

"No, you haven't." Rishabh exhaled his worry, "You are the only one I trust her with other than myself."

"Then have faith, my friend," Aniked replied, "I know she is stubborn as I have been protecting her for the past two weeks but let me you something in confidence, "Aniket said in a conspiratory whisper, "I work for someone who can give her a run for her money when it comes to being adamant."

Rishabh threw his head back and laughed, "Sometimes I really hate you Aniket."

"You did not hire me because you liked me, you hired me to keep you and our family safe," Aniket simply replied, "And because I do not give in to your tantrums."

The car slowed down as they reached the venue for the premiere. Rishabh felt the irritation come back as the paparazzi started flashing their cameras. He knew that there would be some interest in media after he would take over the palace, but he had not expected it to turn into a full-blown obsession as royalty was not really a piece of news in India anymore. The press was everywhere he and his siblings went. They even camped outside his Bangalore HQ just to get a picture of him so that they can dissect what he was wearing that day. Terms like "The Royal Quartet," "Queen of Fashion," "Regal Twins," and "Czar of Business" were constant in every blog, newspaper, and youtube. It was a circus that escalated every time one of them stepped outside of their respective homes. In the past two weeks, he had reportedly dated twenty women, according to tabloids. Little did these tabloids know that the only woman whose attention he yearned wanted nothing to do with him. Soon, that will all change. The car stopped, and he got out after Aniket and braced himself to face the outcomes of his actions.

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