2 Friends or Foes

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I ran jumped back over the wall and back on my bike. Driving three hours till I came to a stop in the middle of the night in the middle of no where. Life was dead it was cold and dry. I walked in a circle feeling like something or someone was watching me. I could hear whispering then I heard a shout. "Attack!" This beautiful voice yelled and I jumped doing a one-eighty spin with a doing house kick. When I saw her face I stopped and kissed her hand and apologized for my rude and inconsiderate behavior. I told her my name and shouldn't have because I got knocked out with a three-sixty spin kick to the jaw. I woke up the next next day tied up to a chair. Who are you people? "We are the chapel"..... "We can't tell him our name boss said." Who is your boss? "Shut up!" That's when I found out they were the chapel. I could tell because his voice I heard it a lot in heaven or what it really is (HQ) head quarters. Jake is that you? "No." Don't lie to me I'm your brother. "Ok fine it's us from the chapel." Why are you trying to stop me from saving the world? "Because father told us to." Ok then. You just hope I don't kill you guys. And who is that girl? "A new recruit she is a good fighter." Yes she is. Let me go and I will spare your guys's life. "We can't do that brother." What ever you say. I finely got my hands untied from the chair so all I had to do was fight my friends and make them switch sides. I grabbed Jake from behind and threw him to the floor and grabbed the rookie and I got hit in the ribs a couple times. Then I threw her threw the wall. Brother are we friends or are we going to fight till one of us die? "We are brothers till the end." Good now let's go. Are you ok rookie? "I'm fine you?" Never better.

"I don't like this guy." "He is fine Haylee you have nothing to worry about." "He is one of us." "Not anymore Jake." "Yes he is he's my brother wether you like it or not ok!" When we got out of the building we were in we got in some big trouble. Oh my gosh it's Cameron I don't know what he wants yes so hold on. Cameron hey buddy. "Hey long time no see I heard you were going up against father so I came to help." Great guys it's ok. "Hey Cameron how's life been?" "Hey jake it's been great how bout you?" "Mines ok." "Who is this beautiful girl?" "A new recruit father sent with me to kill Lorenzo but we sorted it out." Guys lets go we don't have all day it's going to be dark soon and we have to get to China by noon. "Ok." Well that's how I met the love of my life.

Dear. Lorenzo
I know how this is going to end you and your friends are going to die and I'm going to destroy the world and the universe so give up now. Don't try to kill your father.
Look at this letter Cameron. "What is it Lorenzo?" It's a threat letter I think. "About what us going to die." "From who?" Father Dear. Lorenzo
I know how this is going to end you and your friends are going to die and I'm going to destroy the world and the universe so just give up now. Don't try to kill your father.

"Why is he trying to stop us by a threat letter." It's a trick. We are in a trap. "Why is he near?" No but he has people following us. Hide they are near. "Everybody hide now go to the cave!" Cameron, Jake, with me now! "Ok." "Finely a fight!" "Get ready to fight. Who is ready to kick ass." "Get ready to die puny little humans!" I'm always going to remember this day. "Me to." "I will it's going to be fun!" I'll take the left Jake you take the middle Cameron you take the right one. "Ok!" Now! I slid my sword from my holster and charged at the giant and jumped up on its shoulder and fell because of his giant steps. Jake was in the middle of the three giants shooting arrows at him when he got kicked in to a cave wall. Cameron was shooting his mustang and Sally into the right Giants legs but nothing fazed them so we thought about it and decided to work together. Right when we had it under control. Haylee butted in and fought with us she risked her life to help us fight. She has the guts because those Giants were huge.
Let's finish these Giants now! "Ok!" Guys take care of them from the legs I'll got to there heads and slice there throats. His was the plan that would work so we succeeded with the plan and defeated the three Giants. Now let's get out of here so none of these things come back. Awesome bikes guys! "Thanks but we've been driving for a day now and you just now notice." Well I was busy trying to lose there trail. "Wait you knew they were following us?" Yes I did I didn't want you to freak out so I didn't tell you guys. "I'm not going with you!" Jake get real and let's go. "No you lied to us." No I just didn't tell you guys about it yet! I love you three I wanted to keep you from getting hurt or in a fight like this! "Well if you would of told us we would've went faster and hid during the day." Can we go now guys so we don't get killed or spotted.

"After we battle for the leader of the pack not till death but till one of us gives." Ok let's go so we don't waste time. "This is going to be fun!" It's way to easy. "Time to get your" "go!" We fought for thirty minutes punching back and forth throwing eachother. Until he said I give. Now it was a little challenging but easier than I thought. Now let's get moving so we won't leave a trail behind. "Are you ok?" "Yeh I'm fine just in a lot of pain." Sorry Jake are you ok? "I'm fine!

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