4 Jakes story

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Hi I'm Jake and this is my story. I never told you how my life started for me to be a chapel men. My family died from a car crash then I found a man standing with a hand out saying come with me. So I followed him to a car and we got in then he grabbed me and hurt me. So I came to Head Quarters and became a chapel men. My friend's Lorenzo and Cameron are gone and I have no one. It's all my fault!
This is how it all started. "I need you to kill Lorenzo before he kills me got it Jake." Yes father why do you need me to kill him? "He is trying to stop me from destroying the earth and universe." Yes father I'm on it.
There's the reason I'm here in the hospital writing this story. Here we go. Do you see him haylee? "Yes there he is now." Go! Haylee threw a kick to the face and missed so did Lorenzo. "I'm sorry." Lorenzo said and she kicked him in the jaw with a three sixty spin kick. Get him on my bike. We drove him in a worn down building with a chair so we tied him up. Then he woke up with me and Haylee talking and he interrupted our conversation. "Who are you?" Haylee about told him. "We are the chap..." Don't tell him who we are boss said. He was being a smart ass asking me who our boss was. Shut up! "Jake is that you?" No. "Don't lie to me we are brothers." Yes it's us from the chapel. "Why are you stoping me from saving the world. Because father told us to. "Ok you better just hope I don't kill you two." He asked who Haylee was. I told him a new recruit. He finely got out of the rope we tied him in. He threw me through the floor and Haylee through a wall. We made up for a couple days. Till I broke the bro code.
We will get to that part soon enough but we still have to get to the part about Cameron and the Giants. We were walking out of the building when we saw Cameron. We said hi and we rode off with a new friend with us. We fought Giants taller than the tallest tree. We fought them for awhile with four on three huge Giants. Now the other reason I'm here writing this story. "Jake!" "Jake!" "We need to talk about the trip tommorow." Lorenzo came in at the wrong time. While we were making out on a bed. "What's going on." He said with a sad but mad voice. Nothing we were just talking. "Lier now get your shirt on and get up we are leaving!." I don't know why you are so mad.? "Because I really like her." Im sorry. Well while we passed threw towns and slaying monsters we finely made it to our destination. So we stopped and slept for awhile well at least Lorenzo and Cameron did. Me and Haylee were in a room and I was beating her and forcing her to have sex with me. I think she was to loud because Lorenzo came in and beat the hell out of me. That is why I'm in here in the hospital with no one to talk to except father and I hate him.
"How does it feel to be hurt." Shut up and go away now before I kill you father. "Your hurt." Im not I'm just in pain. "Aw there's where your wrong son I know how it's going to end." How the with Lorenzo killing you and saving the world. "No with everyone and everything destroyed!" Your just trying to trick me. "That is where your wrong again son." Don't call me your son I'm not your son I'm your enemy.

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