Steve Roger X Reader - Faithfully

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Faithfully' by Journey, which I have absolutely adored for years. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You started awake as your phone let out a shrill ringing sound. You glanced around you, leaning forward on the sofa to pluck the phone off of the coffee table before it could make another sound and answering the call.

"Hello?" you uttered softly, sitting up straight in the seat and stretching out your cramped muscles. You'd become rather accustomed to falling asleep on the sofa since Steve had been gone. It wasn't comfortable, but it was better than sleeping alone in your bed.

"Hey Y/N." Your body tensed when you heard his voice. It was so rare that he got to call that it always managed to catch you off guard. "Are you there, Angel?"

You nodded, before realising how stupid that action was. "I'm here."

"How are you?" 

There was a moment of silence, and then you released a short chuckle. "I've been better," you told him softly, shifting to settle more comfortably on the sofa. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Sweetheart." You smiled at that, pressing your eyes closed as you allowed his voice to soothe you. "How are the kids?" 

Suddenly, your eyes were open again, and you were attempting to find something to say. "Confused. They want to know where their Dad is," you murmured, lifting your hand to begin biting at your thumbnail. It was a terrible habit, you knew it, but you had been doing it since you were little. A nervous tick that you had been unable to get rid of. "Dylan had some trouble at school the other day."

"What happened?" 

You sighed loudly, pulling your knees up under you. It almost felt as though you were having a normal conversation with your husband, rather than one where he had been on the run for God knows how long. "Some kids were making stupid comments and he got in a fight."

"What about?"

"Steve," you warned softly, your tongue darting out to run over your bottom lip. "Don't beat yourself up about this. Kids can be dicks sometimes," you started again.

"So it was about me," he uttered and you released another sigh. 

"No," you answered him as firmly as you could manage. "Well yes, but that kid has been trouble since he transferred to the school. Long before everything happened."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then Steve released a breath he had been holding. "Yeah." He paused again, and you waited, hoping for something new to come to mind. "How's Maisie?"

A small smile found itself on your lips as you thought. "She's doing good. You'd be really proud of her, Steve." You paused for just a second, allowing yourself to embrace the real smile on your lips. "She's doing well in school, and she's been so helpful at home too."

"It's her birthday next week," he finally uttered, and your smile dropped away again. Steve had never missed one of the kids birthdays before, and when he'd first had to go away, you'd assumed he'd be back by the time the next one came around. By the sounds of it, you'd been wrong. "I sent a card," he continued, his voice bringing your back to your senses. "I'm hoping it'll get there in time."

"She'll appreciate that," you started softly. "I can't believe our baby is going to be a teenager," you added, hearing him let out a short chuckle. "Do you remember the first time we brought her home?" You leant forward, reaching under the coffee table to pull out your photo album and placing it in your lap.

"Of course I do. She looked so little in the car seat," he murmured, and a bubble of laughter escaped you as you opened the album, flipping through the pages until you found the picture you wanted. Steve, holding your daughter to his chest, and looking more terrified than you had ever seen him before. He had been so worried about squeezing her too tight, or holding her wrong, or making some sort of mistake. But he's adapted to fatherhood so quickly, and he was a wonderful dad to your kids.

"They love you so much Steve," you uttered, smiling down at the picture in front of you. "I know you think they should hate you or something, but they don't. There is nothing in this world that could stop them loving you."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then a sharp sniffle escaped Steve, causing your heart to tighten in your chest. "Thank you for standing by me, Angel."

"Do you remember our wedding?"

Steve choked back a laugh on the other end of the line, and you smiled slightly. "How could I forget?" It had been a quiet day, with just a couple of your close friends and family, but in your eyes it had been absolutely perfect.

"Remember the vows? For better or worse, right?" You paused for a moment, letting him absorb the words. "I'll be here when you come home, Baby. No matter what."

"I love you," Steve started, and you heard a deep swallow as he attempted to calm himself. 

"I love you too."

There was rummaging on the other end of the line, and then you heard Sam muttering something, just quietly enough that you couldn't make it out. "I'm really sorry, Angel. I have to go," Steve uttered, and once more, you nodded.

"Okay," you murmured back. "I miss you Stevie."

"I miss you too."

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