Chapter 2

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We walked a little farther and entered an old administrative office. Fiona was telling us about the legend that came with this place because she was the only one who had bothered to Google the place that we broke in to.
"One time," she said, "a nurse went crazy here. All the kids hated her because she was so mean, and the adults hated her because she was constantly covered in dirt and she always treated patients as rudely as possible. She even got violent sometimes. The boss was too afraid of her to fire her because he owed her a lot of money for heroine. One time, she slipped on a puddle in the childrens ward and everybody started laughing and mocking her. For some reason the lady just lost it. Went completely ballistic. She started hitting people and screaming random stuff about how she was better then everyone. She managed to push someone through the window. Then when a little girl started to cry, the lady grabbed a pole and stabbed her with it over and over again. In the kerfuffle, she ended up accidentally knocking over a shelf. It fell on her and killed her. Ever since then, they say the lady wanted to get revenge on anybody that ever entered the hospital. That's why they closed the hospital, everyone was randomly dying for mysterious reasons. Life support machines stopped working, needles were causing deadly infection, that sort of stuff. A lot of people say its just a coincidence but others.... not so much. Legend has it that she is still in here, trying to avenge her death because she blames the patients for knocking over the shelf and starting everything in general. She was just filled with so much rage and to this day she still seems determined to spread it and cause all sorts of destruction.

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