🍑Peachy Twink🍑

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Now. WHY did I come up with such a name for a book with a simple aesthetic? Idk...the title just came to me and I thought this book would be a great start for my new books of 2020.

Hope you all enjoy this one shot😋

Warning! Soft lime & may contain spelling/grammar error (but I'm not too sure)

    Chatter buzzed around the classroom. Each student had their own little clique of friends, yet one topic lingered amongst one another.

A new student was coming to Yuuei Academy.

    Not just any student, the son of the most powerful business man in Musutafu and former all-star basketball player, Enji Todoroki.

Most would say the new kid is very feminine, figure-wise. But teenagers nowadays would call him...

A twink.

    "Yo Bakugou! Heard about that new kid that's coming today", Kirishima asks, "heard he's going to be in our class. And he's a real cutie." The blonde rolls his red eyes to the back of his head to show his best friend his annoyance. "Why is that Todoroki kid the hot topic of the school", Bakugou asks. Kirishima snickers, "why, because you aren't?"

    Bakugou swipes his hand at the red head in a attempt to hit him, but Kirishima dodged the attack swiftly as he blurted out a loud laugh. "Aw come on man", Kaminari coos. He wraps his arm around Bakugou's shoulder, "the boy's a fucking beauty. You'd actually be surprised that he's a boy. Hey! Maybe you two'll even be a power couple."

    Once again, Bakugou rolls his eyes. He snatches Kaminari's arm away from his shoulders and drops it with little care. "Whatever dunce face."

    "Settle down class, you all are gonna give me a headache."

    From the sound of the man's tired yet loud demanding tone, the students standing around scurried to their seats and sat down without another peep. Aizawa sighs as he sets a stack of papers on his desk. "Now", he says, "as you know, we will be having a new student joining our class. Yes, he is the son of a business man and former athlete, but you will treat him with the same amount of respect you'd give to each other. Not like he's a damn god. Understood?"

    Everyone says their agreements and watches Aizawa intently as he turns his head to the figure by the door. "Come on inside, they're waiting on you."

Nobody came inside at first, but then that person finally entered and all eyes were glued onto them.

Especially Bakugou's gaze.

His ruby eyes scanned the androgynous boy's appearance. The boy was very short, probably Uraraka's height, but it fit his cuteness along with his small waist and plumpness in his hips and thighs. His hair half white and half red, his grey and ice blue eyes made the boy stand out along with the pinkish scar. "H-hello everyone. My name is Shouto Todoroki. I-I hope we can become good friends." Todoroki bows to the class and gives them a sweet smile.

The blonde felt his heart thump and cheeks barely turn pink. The hell's wrong with me? "Todoroki. You'll sit beside Yaoyorozu", Aizawa says, "please raise your hand." The ravenette raises her hand as Todoroki looks her way. She smiles at the small boy, which makes him smile back.

"Now that that's been settled", Aizawa hums, "let's get this lesson started. Todoroki, you can get yesterday's notes from a classmate."

     It was now lunch time and a lot of people were conversating with Todoroki. To Bakugou, it was like a bunch of bees around honey. What was so special about him anyways besides his status as the son of a ex basketball player and his cuteness and a–.

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