(MxM) (F) Through Sickness and in Health

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The first time you layed your eyes on him, you knew you were so in love with him nothing else mattered. That was your favourite memory of all time, laying eyes on his perfect frame. But you also knew there was no way he would feel the same. You knew he was too perfect to ever fall for someone like you, the best you could ever do was be friends with him. That never stopped you from loving him.

Much to your surprise and utter delight he asked you out one day, "there's something wrong with my schedule, it doesn't have a date with you in it," falls from his beautiful lips. At first you don't think he's talking to you, it must be someone else behind you. So you look behind yourself and there's no one and your eyes widen so they're the size of saucers. Your head nods so quick it might fall over, and an adorable chuckle falls from his mouth.

You have a date with him at some hole in the wall diner and it goes wonderfully. He's such a gentleman, and you fall even deeper in love with him. You can't remember what you ordered or where it was, only the spark in his gorgeous eyes and pure joy you hadn't felt since... ever. He makes you so much happier than anything else ever did.

You can remember your first kiss like it was yesterday, it was so cliché and so wonderful. The two of you were walking home in the rain, hand in hand, and you were almost at your door. He pulled your hand gently so you spun around and grabbed your hips. Your hands set on his chest, and he leaned in to capture your lips with his own. Fireworks and sparks flew, songbirds sang, and you thought you couldn't ever be happier than that moment. The rain was falling in the background and you were freezing, but the kiss filled you with such warmth nothing else mattered. And nothing else could matter as long as his lips were on yours.

You remember the first time you said "I love you," and he returned it, a lazy morning where you could sleep in and cuddle, enjoying eachothers warmth. Chaste kisses were pressed all over your face, and it came out in a whisper, barely audible. Yet he knew exactly what you said, and repeated it back to you, a word at a time after every kiss. It must've been thousands of kisses before the moment ended, replacing your shared first kiss as your favourite memory ever. And every lazy morning since, one of you inevtably starts kissing the other so many times you lose track of it, the mumbles of "I love you," filling the silence of the air.

But now, this has to be your favourite memory. Nothing else could ever top it, no matter what happens. Seeing him at the altar, dressed handsome as ever with eyes full of adoration, as you walked down the isle in your white suit and stopping in front of him, him clasping his hands over yours. The vows said with tears streaming down both your faces, and the "I do"'s said with such passion. A kiss full of love and full of promises of being by eachothers side for all the years to come, and you were husbands, just like that. Ready to spend the rest of your life together, through sickness and in health.

I pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss the groom

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