~Should I tell him now?~

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Hope your guy's year is starting off good! Also the art is mine if you wanna see more art go onto my Instagram! @/were__woof and if you do and you follow me DM me that you are my stories and we get to chat! Just to say I'll will not say anything about my stories and what I'm planing cuz no spoilers!

On with the story!

Nightmare POV

I found myself waking up on the couch. What happened? I was gonna get up but than I saw Fred asleep by me hugging me and I started to blush. I guess I can stay here for a bit... Also when do I tell him that I like him... More than a friend... And I want to be with him. Now? Or do I wait... I don't know! I think I'll ask Freddy... When Fred gets up so yea.

N. Fredbear POV -in his dream-

I was baking a cake for Night! We started dating about a month ago and I'm so happy! -yea yea I know I'm weird- and I know Night loves marvel cakes! So Imma bake him just that!

-I also love marvel cakes and I have no idea if I'm spelling it right but too lazy to search it up basically chocolate and vanilla-

I hope Night will like it... I know he doesn't like sweets a lot but maybe he will eat it? I just hope he does! I put the cake into the oven now it's time to wait!
"Fred what you doing?" I turn to see Night.
"W-what I'm going?" He nods, "Chica ask me to watch what she is baking! So that's why I'm here" OMG... I JUST LIED TO NIGHT NNNNUUUUUUU!
"Um... Ok you don't need to look scared... Unless you burn it"
"R-right... I'll just keep an eye on it h-heh"
"Ok" Night patted my head and kisses my cheek, "I'll be in our room if you need me ok?"
"Ok!" Night walked off to our room... Did he know that I lied? Hope not

Lalalalalalalalala TIME SKIP

I walked over to our room with a slice of cake for Night of course! I opened the door to see Night reading a book.
"Night!" I think I heard Night growl a bit
"I brought you a slice of a cake I baked! I-I know you don't like sweets a lot but I wanted to make you something you know?" I showed Night the cake and I looked at him... He didn't seem happy... "N-Night?"
"How am I sure this is not a joke?"
"Huh?... W-what do you mean Night?" Night's eyes started to glow red.
"Are you trying to knock me out?!?"
"W-what?! N-no! Why would I do that?"
"I don't know! To use me! Like everyone else has!"
"N-Night... What is wrong? What happened?... W-why are you acting like this?"
"You really don't know... Do you?"
"Know what?..."
"That I may... Or may not really love you"
"W-what..." My ears lower. "W-why you say that?..."
"So thia time! I can use someone! And don't use me!"
"Night... I would never use you!" Night started to glitch.
"That's what they all say!... They always SAY THAT! WHY IS THAT!" I started to back up.
"N-Night... T-this is not y-you!"
"You don't know anything Fred!... You don't know the pain!..." Night pinned me to the wall and digged his claws into my arms causing me to scream out. "You have no idea... What I have seen... Or what I have been through so keep your mouth shut!"
"N-night..." I started to tear up.
"Bye bye little cub~"

Nightmare POV

Thinking... Than I snapped out of my thoughts
"N-Night! N-no!"
"Fred?" He was shaking, "w-what's wrong?" He looked scared of me...
"D-don't hurt me!"
"Hurt you?... Why would I do that?..." I put my paw on Fred's cheek "hey it's ok... I will never hurt you... You were asleep" he was... "You just had a nightmare"
"A-a nightmare? It was a dream..."
"Yes it was" I hugged Fred, "besides... I would rather hurt myself than hurt you Fred" I felt Fred hug back... Was his dream that bad?... I won't ask... I'll wait until he is ready
"We heard a yel-... Never mindd" Chica walked out of the room with a smirk... God I hate her sometimes...
"Wanna go to our room Fred?" He nods, "ok" I picked up Fred to see him blushing and I walked over to our room. I laid Fred down and he just hugged his knees so I sat down by him. "You can tell me what's wrong... But take your time ok?"

N. Fredbear POV

Will Night hurt me?... He said he wouldn't but I don't know maybe he is lying? No Night has never lied to me... "N-Night?"
"W-would you ever... Lie to me?"
"Lie? To you? No never I would never lie to you" he stop for a bit "I'll never lie to the one I love"
"Wait wha-" Night put his paws on my cheeks and kisses me causing me to blush dark red.

End of chapter because I'm so evil! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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