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Nightmare POV

Ok?... Guess he is gonna sleep now... That was weird... But ok not the weirdest thing I have seen... Wait... But the noodles... What do I do with the noodles now? Um...
"Fred... I know you're not sleeping"
"I knoww..."
"I'll leave the noodles here ok?"
"Ok" I put the noodles down then walked out of the room. I walk over to the couch and sat down... Mmm what to do?... Mmmm... I don't know... What can I do?...
"Friesss" that was Bonnie
"I WANT FRIES!" Chica ran to Bonnie
"Ok" what can I do today?...  Mmm don't know at all... I hope Fred is ok... While I have to deal with my weird friends... Alright than...

N. Fredbear POV

I started to eat the soup Night made for me. It's good! I like itt... No love it.... I wonder what Night is gonna do... I mean... I am sick so... I don't know... I don't wanna sleep... So what should I do? I don't know... Mmm... I was done with the noodles then I got out of bed and started to look around the room. I got out a drawing book and started to draw just randomness. Yeaa drawing is great yep! Hehehe

End of chapter because I'm running out of ideas
Yes it's short but... I don't know what else to right

If you have an ideas tell me ai may do them so yeaa

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