Chapter 14

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This chapter is gonna be kinda short cause I don't have much time but, never the less, it's an update. An update I promised to write today. Thank you for the votes and comments, they are much appreciated!

Now for the new chapter to begin.


Chapter 14


I awoke to the sound of loud snoring right in my ear. Flashing my eyes open, I looked to the side to find Derek cuddled into me. His arms were wrapped around my waist and holding me closely to his chest. He had a peaceful look on his face. He looked like he would of never done the things that he actually does. And him being a werewolf he was quite warm and comfy, a perfect snuggle buddy..... What the hell am I thinking! Snuggle buddy! What the hell is wrong with me!!?? Maybe I should get away from him before I find myself relying on him.

As quietly and subtly as I could, I tried climbing out of the bed. I gently lifted his arm from around me and began climbing out of bed, only to have a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back into his chest.

"Nooo! Stay.... cold." Derek's drowsy voice whined as he wrapped both his arms around me. How cute! Woh woh woh, what did I just say! No! No no no! Bad Jesse, bad neko! I though and started hitting myself in the head.

"Hmhm, what are you doing?" Derek slightly chuckled and finally opened his eyes. I twisted my head in his direction with wide eyes as he just witnessed me disciplining myself. But stopped short when I realized how close our faces were. My breath hitched and he seemed to notice because a smirk was beginning to form on his face.

"What's the matter? Werewolf got your tongue?" He said with a cheeky smirk. What. The. Hell.

"Oh, how original." I snorted and rolled my eyes. I began to turn my head to look away but he caught my chin in his hand and turned it back towards him. I looked back at his face that had turned serious. His eyes roamed all over my face before looking me directly in the eyes. He began to lean in and panic started to take over my body. I went rigid and couldn't move. Is he going to kiss me? Why would he want to kiss someone like me? There are plenty of other girls out there that are way prettier then me and don't have deformities like me. So why me? He shouldn't want me. Nobody should want me. Why doesn't he think I'm crazy after what happened last night? Why isn't he calling me names and running away from me? I can't let him have feelings for me. This is for his own good.

Just as his lips were about to touch mine I pulled away from him. He gave me a confused look then breathed out a sigh. I got up and sat at the edge of the bed. Neither one of us saying anything or moving.

Finally after what felt like a lifetime of awkward silence, he broke it.

"Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" I replied. I knew he meant me pulling away from him.

"You know what. Don't act stupid. I know how smart you are." He said. I'll just tell him. It's so much easier that way.

"You shouldn't want to kiss me. In fact, you shouldn't want me at all, not with the life I lead. I'm doing this for your own sake. You wouldn't be happy with me anyway. I would only end up hurting you, so I'm not going to let you love me." I explained.

"Don't I get a say in what I want!" He surprised me by raising his voice and I jumped slightly. I turned around to face him. He stared at me with a angry look on his face. "I should have a say in what I want!" In a quick movement he had me pinned down by my shoulders with him straddling my waist. He got really close to my face and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Your not like the rest of the girls. You make me want you so bad and I don't even think you realize what your doing to me!" I stared at him stunned and watched as he took a deep breath. "I know that you bring about pain and problems and you getting hurt a lot, but I want it. I want all of you. And I'm not going to let you walk away from me! I will make you want me back." He said in one breath and before I could protest, he was kissing me.

My eyes widened as him lips moved against mine. My first kiss. He took my first kiss!

And just as fast as he had swooped in and claimed my lips, he pulled away. I couldn't move. I was to stunned and unprepared for the situation, and I had no idea how to react since I've never been out in this position before.

Derek kept his eyes on my face and smiled a gentle smile. "How was your first kiss?" He asked.

"You... y-you stole it." I whispered out. The sensation I had felt lingered on my lips and I rubbed my tongue over them. Derek watched my expression carefully, warily almost.

"There will be a lot more of them if you'd just let me be with you." He said. I have just been kissed by someone I'm not even dating! I feel so dirty. Wait doesn't Derek have a girlfriend?

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked. He gave me a puzzled look before realization dawned on his face.

"No no. She is not my girlfriend. She's just easy to get cause we werewolves have a hard time controlling our hormones." He said.

"Is that what I'll be to you? Just something to control your hormones." I said. He frowned at me.

"I would never do that to you." He said with the most serious face.

"I-I don't know if I can do this. I mean I don't know how to even act in these situations." I panicked. Derek saw me starting to panic.

"Shh Shh, we can take it slow. Im not trying to rush you." He said while scratching behind my ears to help soothe me.

"I can't decide on this in one day. I need more time." I said and watched as he nodded understandingly.

"Take as much time as you need. I'll be waiting for you."


Yay! Update!!

So vote and comment and let me know what you think about this chapter!

I'll update again this weekend!!

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