Stop the bullys

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Why can't everyone just get along. I don't care if you don't like some one that does not give you the right to call them names or hurt them in any kind of way. Hurting someone just because you are jealous of what they have. Does not give you the right to ever ever do something to harm them. If you want something they have work hard to earn it. Don't just take it from them. More than likely they worked hard to get it so you should do the same.
Making everyone else feel bad just to make your self feel better is not the way to go its just stupid.
If you see someone being bullied stand up and say something. don't just stand around and watch. cause it could be you and you would want someone to help you right?

Long story short lets work together to stop bullying. Are you in @TheReal_LiamPayne
Lets stop bullying!

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