Chapter 8: If Distraction Was a Person

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The sun came through the windows, creeping across the room, as if it was trying to catch me by surprise, before pouncing on my face. The light making me squint as I opened my eyes.

I grabbed my blankets, dragging them upwards until they covered my face. I bent my knees making a tent under the blankets, so I could breathe easier under the too warm mass of fluff.

I rubbed my eyes, the pressure between them making me want to go back to sleep.

I was kicking myself for only managing to catch three hours. There went my chance at confirming my sleep depreviation theory.

I blew a piece of my black hair out of my face and chuckled darkly. Bringing my hand to my face I wondered yet again if coming here was such a good idea.

Since I got that letter and decided to come here, I had become someone different, and I don't think it was a change for the better. I had already lied to my parents twice, and now I was planning on lying to not just them but Spencer too. What was happening to me.

No, I argued with myself, they would lock me inside if they found out what happened last night. Even Spencer, who I trusted completely couldn't know, he loved me enough to tell my parents, if he thought it would keep me safe.

I slowly removed the covers from my face, breathing in the shockingly fresh air after being under that blanket.

I stared at the ceiling trying to convince myself I was a good person, I could lie to Spencer if it meant he wouldn't over-react over nothing, right?


I jumped slightly, Spencer startling me out of my thoughts. I breathed out, already feeling guilty about this. Why did he always show up at the worst possible times?

"AJ, you need to get out of bed. We're going out somewhere for breakfast. We didn't get any groceries yet so we have nothing to eat here, and I already started a petition to leave you here if you didn't hurry up."

He was beside me by that time, shaking me violently.

"Okay," I sighed, turning over and getting up, trying my best to pretend like nothing was out of the ordinary.

He looked at me weird. "You're oddly agreeable this morning."

"Yeah, yeah, I just got enough sleep last night is all," I said over my shoulder, digging through my clothes for a good enough outfit to wear out in public.


I stopped and looked at him surprised. He had used my full name.

"What is it, Spencer?"

He was looking me over suspiciously. "Why is there a branch in your hair?"

My heart picked up.

Shit fuck damn.

"Umm, I thought I heard something outside last night?"

He raised his eyebrows, looking at me intently, and I continued still not looking him in the eye.

"So I went to investigate, it must have been from that."

I ended my statement there, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake.

I finally worked up enough courage to look at him again, meeting his eyes.
He looked at me oddly like he didn't understand who I was.

Mom's voice echoed from downstairs "Hurry up you two, I'm getting hungry."

Spencer studied me, hurt flashing across his face. I had never lied to him before.

Clearing his throat he said in a disappointed whisper "That was the worst lie I have ever heard in my life."

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