Chapter 15

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Narrators P.O.V

Camila stared horrified at Shawn's dead body while Lauren spoke. "Ca-" she was shut up by the frantic girl who screamed "You killed him. My dad was right about you. I just got married yesterday and now I am a widow. I really fucking hate you Lauren." She burst into tears.

"I hate you, Lauren"

That made Alejandro's words echo in Lauren's mind. "Camila is nothing but another beautiful woman, full of lies and deceit." She thought to herself. Then the sound of sirens caused the green-eyed girl to snap back to reality. This is why she never let her guard down, she only would only ever end up regretting it.

Lauren walked out the plane to see Ally and the back-up officers. "Search the premises." She then walked back to a crying Camila. "Camila Cabello you are under arrest" Lauren handcuffed her harshly as Camila winced in pain. Lauren didn't care , she hated the girl, she had too.

She then pulled Camila even more violently out of the plane and pushed her towards the jeep. "Mam should we take her to the headquarters holding cell?" Ally asked. "No, I will take her" was all Lauren said before shoving Camila into her jeep and driving away.

Camila was still crying when they arrived at the headquarters. Lauren got out of her seat and grabbed Camila's handcuffed wrists yanking her through the hallways.

Then she stopped in front of a steel door. The guard opened it and Lauren threw her in without regard for what would happen. The shivering widow fell to the floor hitting her head, she was to petrified to move.

Lauren closed the door and stormed of to her office. She was beginning to feel the pain of her wounds from earlier which were now bleeding heavily. She went to the bathroom in her office and took of her bloody shirt.

Her stitches were definitely opened as suspected. She took a sterile gauze and began cleaning it, the last thing she needed was it to get septic. Then she tried cleaning her other wounds on her back which was slashed in the fight.

She bent her hand trying to reach but cried in pain. She remembered how that night Camila had taken care of her, she smiled slightly but then looked in the mirror and her eyes turned cold.

She could not go home, not yet. So she just put her shirt back on and recollected her normal demeanor trying to mask the pain. She stepped out of the bathroom to meet with Ally. "I am sorry mam, but your team..." ally said looking down.

Lauren knew what she meant, her team was dead. All killed trying to fight back, all dead because of Alejandro. The angry officer balled her fists. "They were a good team. Have their bodies sent to their families at once. They died heroically trying to serve justice."

Lauren's heart felt heavy, their familes would be distraught, their mothers ... mother's ,that was always a sensitive topic close to Lauren's heart, this made her feel sorrowful. Thinking of that was a trigger in her mind.

"Yes mam" Ally said saluting her and walking away. Lauren closed her office door and then tears rolled down her pale rosy cheeks. She was hurt, her heart hurt, her body hurt. All the flashbacks of people's words ran into her head.

"Why is she always so angry?
Her mother ran away, she didn't love her."
"Beautiful girls don't belong to anyone, they can't love anyone but themselves"
"Your anger will get the best of you someday."
"You know the funny thing is you even tried to get through to me via Camila. That's why you saved her right.... Well, let me tell you this, Camila would never tell you anything. She knew what you were up to and told me to smuggle the stuff differently. She also said she really really hates you."

"I hate you Lauren, I hate you"

The last word's hurt her on another level and she didn't know why. Their words rang in her head, she couldn't take it she walked up to the glass in her office which looked into the cell before it. The one Camila was thrown into but Lauren wasn't thinking. She closed her eyes   and  held both her hands up onto the glass then resting her head against it.

It was a one way glass, from the inside it would look like a mirror unable to see into the office but from outside it was a clear glass able to see perfectly into the cell. The officer used it to survey criminals.

Lauren's tears fell as she thought about her mother, she missed her. She was so angry with her. So many emotions flowed through her. Then all of a sudden Camila was mirroring Lauren from the other side, her head was against the glass and her hands lined up perfectly with the crying officer.

They both had no clue of the other's presence but both had tears, wanting to escape. Each with a thousand thoughts, each with problems and fears, each desperate for answers. Then something strange happened, their hearts began beating faster and they felt each other somehow. Lauren had stopped crying.

Lauren then slowly opened her eyes only to meet with Camila's honey brown orbs, she stared for too long then jumped back. She then realized the brunette could not see her. She saw how the other girl was crying uncontrollably. Lauren wiped her tears and furrowed her eyebrows.

She got out of her office and straight to Camila's cell. The guard opened the door and Ally tried to stop a fuming Lauren. She did not listen, as soon as the door opened Lauren shouted "What do you know? Tell me know!"

Camila was still shaking unable to speak, not looking into the green eyes she adored. Her silence made Lauren even more furious, she walked forward grabbing each hand of the shaking woman pushing her hard against the wall.

Their faces were inches apart, Camila turned to the side, shutting her eyes, she wished she could sink into another room. "Tell me know, WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" Lauren shook Camila who was breathing unevenly.

"I ..hh" was all Camila was able to say. Ally stepped forward "Mam she is traumatized, she is in no condition to answer any questions." She paused ...." Mr. Camren has also requested you meet with him immediately"
Lauren stared at the fragile girl in front of her with utmost hatred. She then pushed the girl back onto the floor as she stormed out.

"Miss Jauregui. I gave you orders to stand down and yet you convinced me to let you raid the airport. I agree you have found the drugs and weapons, but there is no evidence to prove Alejandro is behind it."

"Yes sir, but we both know he is behind it." Lauren replied angrily.

"Control your anger when talking to me! All we gave now is 8 dead officers. You are going to be in so much of trouble for killing Shawn, do you have any idea who his family is? And I am unable to help you because like I said ,we have no evidence or eyewitnesses!"

Without thinking Lauren spoke "We do have an eyewitness. Shawns" .... for some reason she hesitated..."w..ife. She will testify and I am sure of it."

"If you are so sure. Get her to sign these documents."

"Yes sir"

"And Lauren please remember, use your anger for the right reasons. Dismissed" he said as she saluted him and left.

Now the question was "Would Camila testify?"

Okay hi everyone...okay so I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. This chapter hurt to write.😥 Let me know do y'all think Camz will testify? Also sorry if there are any errors, I haven't really proof read😂

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