Chapter 21

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Lauren had to go back to her "home" in the city. She arrived at the old warn down house in the sketchy neighborhood. Upon entering she instantly saw her father drunk out of his wits. When he saw her he spoke, his words coming out slurred.

"Finally my daughter found the time to come home. Welcome, I see you finally remembered your responsibility towards your father." He laughed going for another drink. Lauren hit it out of his hands. She hated when he drank, mostly because of things he says. She then began packing his clothes into suitcases.

"Can't you at least ask your father how he is?... I grew you up and raised you and this is how you treat me."

Lauren was already done packing.

"Let's go" said the green eyed officer. She was not in the mindset to argue with him.

"If you want to dump me somewhere, why pack my clothes?"

As much as she acted like she didn't love him, she did so very much. She had taken care of him, hearing him say that hurt her feelings.

"Let's go...home."

Mike's eyes widened knowing exactly which home she was talking about. "Don't you ever say that again. I won't go back to that place if misery."

She knew her father was stubborn and she would have to use force, so she held his arm. "Let's go".

"I will not go there, it is the place where your mother...."he stopped, tears welling up.

"Look Mike, neither am I as bad as you consider me to be nor are you so good that you expect me to seek your permission. You always come with me where I am posted, so now you will come too. Don't argue with me." Lauren knew her father was in no state to stop her so she pulled him and lead him to the car.

Back at the mansion where Camila was, havoc upturned. Mara's sons had arrived back home. The eldest, Chris was calm after his father and wife, Ariana explained what had happened. He was overjoyed that Lauren had returned after all these years. However the youngest son, Austin was fuming, Lauren had taken his room(the one Camila is in). He tried to unlock the door, then started breaking it when he couldn't get in.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?! I will show her a lesson."

He began trying to break the door down.

"How dare she take my room?" He said as he banged the door.

Despite everyone telling him to leave it, he continued. The door was about to cave when suddenly he was pulled back then violently.

"Get away." It was Lauren, she had returned just in time as the loud banging was scaring a very nervous Camila. Austin still persisted and stepped toward the room. Lauren grabbed his collar but he did the same with hers.

"" Lauren spoke with seriousness.

"This is my room, you bitch! And don't try to act so tough, remember that day when we were kids, I am still waiting to finish it." He looked up to Lauren's forehead smirking "I see you still have the scar to remember me." Austin devious intentions showed in his spiteful face.

More memories flooded into Lauren's mind. Austin had hated Lauren's existence ever since they were little. One day at school Austin said something about her mum and she punch him. Later that same day Austin with a hurt ego and a couple of his friends beat up Lauren. She was in critical condition afterwards.

Lauren was now seeing red. She pushed him hard into the side of a pillar. She then lunged forward to punch him again but Chris and his father held her back. But that didn't stop the officer, she grabbed his throat and didn't want to let go. Austin threw fists trying to escape eventually his father pushed him away.

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