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While the class was not of drinking age, it was common for certain bars to let students in, and Karma knew of a bar that did so. Y/n was a bit younger than the rest of the class, so while they were fifteen, she was fourteen. Her birthday was coming up, and her group of friends decided that they should celebrate.

Karma mentioned the bar to the group, and they all said no, but Y/n encouraged them to let her go. She wanted to drink, though the rest of the group said they wouldn't. They agreed to go and let her drink, since the bar also had a dance floor and music so they could still enjoy their time there.


Nagisa and Karma were the first two to arrive, then followed by Y/n and Kayano. The place smelled of smoke machines, and it thankfully covered up the alcohol smell that the bar obviously gave off. Karma and Nagisa were sitting at the corner of the bar, closest to the doors, and called the girls over when they walked in.

Nagisa wasn't drinking, but Karma had a barely touched beer.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting! How long have you been here?" Y/n smiled at the two boys before sitting beside Karma, Kayano sitting next to Nagisa. 

"Not too long, don't worry. Want this? I don't drink much and decided to try, I kind of regret it," Karma handed Y/n his beer, which was a peach tea flavor.

"Ne? Sure. Try the punch one. It's good," Y/n put her small sachel-bag on the table and pulled out some cash, sitting it on the counter. "You paid for my drink, I'll pay for yours," She smiled, taking a drink of the beer.


The group had fun for a while, and everything was normal. Y/n had multiple beers and was starting on shots. 

"Karma, how many can you take?" Y/n gulped one down, slightly shuttering at the liquid.

"I don't know. Never bothered with shots,"

"Try one, won't you?" Y/n placed a shot in front of the red headed boy.

"Someone has got to bring you home, Y/n. I can't be drunk for that,"

"One won't get you drunk. Come on, say ah~," Unable to say no to she when she was smiling at him like that, he complied and opened his mouth as the girl poured the liquid onto his tongue. 

"Hey, what's up with them? They're acting like a couple," Kayano pointed over Nagisa's shoulder as the bluenette sweat-dropped.

"I think the alcohol is starting to get to y/n, and Karma can't say no to her,"


Y/n had stopped at three shots, and continued sipping on beers for the rest of the night. Considering that they were there for a while. Y/n had drank enough that she was drunk. Not black-out drunk, but not tipsy either.

"Karma~ Give me attention~," Y/n whined at the boy.

"I'm not your boyfriend Y/n, it's not like I'm going to cuddle with you," He rolled his eyes and slightly pushed her off, to no avail.

"Why not~?" The small girl latched onto the boys torso, and he sighed before placing his hand on her head.

"Karma, we're gonna get going. You two should, too. If it gets too late, you'll be too tired to drag her home,"

"Yeah, you heard him, Y/n. Let's go,"


Karma walked the girl home, and since she would not let go of him, he had to join her inside her home. She jumped on the couch, never letting go of his wrist as he was forced to sit down next to her. 

"Karma, lets watch a move! Movie, movie, movie!" He laughed, her pouting. 

"You're such a child when you're drunk, Y/n," He laughed as he got up to get the remote so he could pick a movie.

"Oh! The Princess and the Frog! C'mon, please?" She begged. He smiled and patted her head as he clicked on the movie the girl wanted.

"How could I say no to such a cute face?" He asked in a sly tone. She pouted but smiled as the movie began to play.

It was silent for a while as Y/n leaned on Karma and he pet her hair as his arm slung around her, and half way through the movie he felt her moving towards his neck. Seconds later, she was planting kisses down his jaw. Without his permission, his head lifted up to give her more room, and he whined at her.

"Y/n, what do you think you're doing?" He asked as she traveled down his neck.

"I wan attention, and you aren't giving it to me. I'm taking matters into my own hands," She said, latching onto a spot.

"He-Hey! Don't leave a mark! How do I explain to the others what happened here!" He shoved her away softly, but she only crawled back and gripped onto his shirt so he could not push her away again. 

"Karma, I really like you. Let me prove it," It was too late, and there was a pink mark where she had been when she pulled away from his neck. 

"No, you need to sleep. Watch the movie and go to sleep, Y/n," The red head said as he shifted to the opposite side of the couch. She pouted, and laid down so her head was on his lap.

"Fine, but you're letting me in the morning. You're lucky I'm tired," She said as she yawned, keeping her eyes glued to the television as her eyelids fluttered closed. He smiled and put a hand on her head before taking his phone out. He leaned down so that he could get both his head and her body that was in his lap in the picture, and made the hickey she left visible.

"This way she will know what she did when she wakes up. Blackmail~," He smirked as he turned the phone off and leaned his head back on the couch. Soon, both of them were asleep, and content.

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