Exposé ENG

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Jamie and John didn't know each other before. They met on a summer night in late May at a small get-together. A short distance outside of Berlin, between cold, gray blocks of flats, a small group of people had gathered under a starry sky in a private, small allotment garden to celebrate summer. A bearded, wild-looking man was playing the guitar, another was playing the harmonica and a slender woman was singing as she gestured around a campfire. The music penetrated the group of people, the grass bent in a cool breeze, and the fire cast warm shadows on the faces of the people who talked and laughed exuberantly. Time was stopped - it passed as leisurely and relaxed as the atmosphere that evening.
Jamie was crouched in the grass between her friends. She gave Tonja (C) a big grin, jumped up, yanked her out of the grass on her hand, and assumed the stature and gestures of standard dancing. Tonja laughed loudly and warmly, tied her hair to a knot and accepted Jamie's calling. They tried to stay serious for a while, until they both burst out loud and surrendered to the music. Jamie loved exactly that about her; Tonja and her understood each other with bare eyes and shared the same stupid humor. They also knew each other forever - they had attended the same school and then both moved head over heels to Berlin, to the freedom-loving city where dreams became reality. Suddenly Murry (D) jumped at Tonja from behind, turning around in the middle of the two and then returning tactfully to the music, arms spread out, gazing skyward. Jamie and Tonja had met the native Berlin Murry in Berlin on their first subway ride. At that time he had described them as "the most beautiful lost-looking tourists" he would have ever seen and therefore offering himself as an authentic underground pilot for one day. Murry was neither a student, nor a student, nor unemployed. He described himself as a freelance artist and started every day without thinking about tomorrow. Jamie loved his style and liked having him around. Even if they hadn't known each other for a long time, they shared a kind of familiarity and affection that they didn't want to miss. On the other side of the campfire, Jamie saw Locke (E) casually heading through the group of dancers towards her, his pants hanging even lower than usual, a glowing cigarette hanging from the corner of his left mouth and four bottles of beer in his hands. When he got closer he grinned broadly, gave Jamie a hip knock that made her stumble to the side and handed everyone a bottle. He took a drag from his cigarette and started dancing, when he was surprised and almost knocked over by Jamie, who had jumped on his back and ruffled his hair. He smiled teasingly, leaned forward and started turning on the spot. Jamie squeaked and clung to him tighter, when suddenly Locke buckled away and both of them landed roughly on top of each other on the floor - the beer in their hair, Locke's nipped cigarette, pain. Locke pretended to be offended and Jamie held her stomach laughing. Locke was Murry's roommate and also from Berlin. Together they lived in a caravan, the location of which they changed according to their preferences and which had "seen and experienced everything Berlin had to offer". Jamie only had fond memories of the relaxing evenings in the caravan. She loved talking to Locke, chatting and fooling around with him, and imagining the wildest adventures with him on the roof of the trailer. He shared her wanderlust, her desire for adventure and travel, and swept her away with his curiosity.Jamie scrambled to her feet. She was exhilarated and dizzy. She stroked her tousled hair and pulled away from the group. She cautiously climbed over those sitting on the floor, wound through the dancers and finally let herself fall by the fire. The warmth of the flames enveloped her face, crawled under her hair and through her damp clothes. She got lost in the crackling, laughter and music. She looked around. Some groups talked calmly and seriously, others laughed out loud. A girl lay in another girls lap, tenderly stroking her hair and talking to the boy across to her. The singer still turned. Her hands gave shape to the music in the air, her body was captivated by the melody, her facial expressions marked the character of the music. Suddenly Jamie noticed eyes looking at her from across the room through the flames. She straightened up to see who they belonged to. They were still looking at her intently. 

The first contact between Jamie and John was that Jamie stuck her tongue out at John. Jamie stuck it out far and long, narrowed her eyes and then dropped back into the grass, arms outstretched. It wasn't long before John stood over her, grinning broadly down at her. From Jamie's perspective, his expression looked so peculiar that she laughed out loud and he laughed along. Then he dropped down flat next to her and lit a cigarette. They were silent for a while. Jamie looked at the stars, smiled and started to giggle softly - "A puking cat". "What?". "There. A vomiting cat ". She points to the sky. "Ah yes...". But remaining silent. "And there is a smoking volcano" "Hm?". "Well there". He points to the sky with his cigarette. "Haha, yes exactly! Tzz". She teased. Then remaining silent.

That night they both stayed like this for quite some time. Only after a while did they start to entertain themselves. Jamie was drawn straight to him. There was something about him that captivated and fascinated her. He exuded an unusual calm. Something wise. She didn't know who or what he was like, but what and how he said it caused a great interest in his being in her. At some point Tonja came - they wanted to leave. Jamie gave John her number and disappeared. Jamie and John meet a few days later and spend an entire day together.

Jamie and John - Gedanken, Kurzgeschichte, Drehbuch, SzeneWhere stories live. Discover now