Ch. 1- Moving [Edited]

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I groaned, lifting up the ridiculously heavy box. "Mom, what the heck is in this thing?!" I heard my mom sigh, "I'm sorry dear, I think that's your old stuff like some favorite toys, drawings, and books. Do you need help?" I sat the box back down and leaned over on the wall to my empty room. Well, I say empty, it's full of boxes and bags of my stuff. I looked at my mother, "No, mom. You're too old to be lifting these heavy boxes, you might hurt your back." She looked at me and laughed, her brown locks of hair bouncing as she put her hand on her chest. "Dear, I'm only 43!" "Yes mother, I know, but I'm 15 and it would be easier for me than you." She smiled at me sweetly, her hazel eyes watering up.

I tried to lift the box again, and my dad stepped behind my mother and watched me struggle with it. He chuckled and came over and helped me lift the box. "Dad, you don't need to be lifting things either." "Honey, I'm stronger than you are, I can lift it better than you." My mom giggled and moved out of the doorway so we could move it outside to the truck. We had to take my bags to the car, and the two men the company sent lifted things like my dresser, and this box. Dad and I managed to get it down the stairs and gently put it down.

Sighing, I sat down on the bottom stair and my dad did too. "What's wrong, honey?" "I don't know, dad. It's just...I don't know if moving out is such a good idea now...what if I never get to come back?" He chuckled and patted my back. "You want to be our hero, don't you? Listen, I know you can do it. You're a strong girl, and sadly the schools around here won't accept you for your quirk..." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "I'm sorry honey, but you can call us anytime! And maybe you'll make enough money to move us to Japan with you!" He smiled warmly looking down to me, and I smiled back. Dad was great at making everyone around him happy.

We heaved the the rest of my things down the stairs. My mom helped put my bags into the car. I got into the back seat with my crossbody bag with some books, my phone, the charger, my earbuds and headset, and some art supplies. I rummaged through my bag to find my phone and earbuds. I unlocked my phone and plugged in the earbuds and put them in my ears. I started playing some of the songs I downloaded for the airplane ride.

I started humming along when my mom stepped into the passenger seat and my dad plopped down in the drivers seat. I looked out the window while listening and humming along, knowing my flight was at 5 tommorow morning, it already being 6 pm. I sighed, thinking to myself. How will I make friends? This isn't going to be easy at least I'll still be able to text and call...

The airport was two hours away, and my dad made jokes for half of the first hour of the ride. I had turn my music down so I could hear them. Mom looked in the backseat and smiled, "Do you want something to eat, dear?" "I am starting to get a little hungry actually." I saw dad grin, "What do you want to eat dear? I'm guessing (f/f/f)?" "Of course dad!" He chuckled and kept driving, but rerouted the GPS to the fast food place.

We all went inside, it wasn't one of the ones from our small town. It was bigger, and fancier. The tables looked polished, almost. There wasn't too many people, which surprised me at first. Dad asked what we wanted, mom told him a number 5, with a water. I told him what I wanted too, and he walked to the small line to order. My mom said I could pick the table, so I chose a small four seat table towards the back of the restaurant. We sat down, and dad walked over and sat down with us.

After we got our orders, dad spoke up. "So never told us why UA?" I looked at my dad, his blue eyes mixed with sadness, happiness, and concern. I thought for a moment then answered. "Japan always seemed like a wonderful and nice place to visit, it was were you guys went for your honeymoon. UA has the best records for students, the entrance exams are difficult, only 18 kids will be picked for their top class in the Hero division. But it has a higher chance of training me to be very successful. It's where All Might went to school, and he's number 1, and I want to be a top hero too." My mom smiled and whispered to herself something like, "That's my girl." Dad smiled and said, "You're a strong and brave kid, (y/n). I just hope they accept you." I grinned and said, "Oh trust me dad, they'll accept. I do have a powerful quirk, I just need the training so it's not just a little burst of energy." Mom chuckled at that statement as we continued on our little lunch break.

Once we got back in the car, it was silent. I cranked up my music, but not enough to where I wouldn't know of they were talking to me. Mom had been constantly making sure I would call at least once a day, as long as I could. Dad looked in the rearview mirror at me and asked, "You'll stay safe, won't you?" I nodded, "Yes dad. I promise I'll keep in touch, alright?" I heard mom say good, and dad continued. "We have a friend who lives there, her and her brother will meet you at the airport. They'll help show you around and such, so you won't be alone." I nodded and said okay.

We got to the airport and I realized this trip was gonna be almost 15 hours long! I had just gotten through security, they took my suitcases then weighed my crossbody bag to make sure it was under 50 pounds. It was 28 pounds, lucky me. I went around the airport, riding a small train, up an escalator, and I walked down the waiting area. My flight was 322, and it was far down the wide walkway. There were small food stores, I saw Chick-fil-A and Wendy's, a small pizza restaurant I never heard before, and then a Burger King. I finally reached my flight waiting area around 10:30.

I sat down in one of the chairs, and there were only a few other people flying. One of them was a Japanese couple with a little boy. He had an interesting quirk from the looks of it, he had a lizard's tail and a small patch on his cheek of scales. He was running around and the mother was trying to call him back over, but she was speaking in Japanese. I had been learning it for the past year and a half, and I was fluent in the language. So, I knew what she said. "Haruki get over here! Stop running around like a fool." The kid, Haruki, then ran towards me.

"Hi miss lady! Are you gonna be a superhero like All Might!?" He asked me in Japanese, I smiled softly, "Yes I want to be a superhero just like All Might, I'm moving to Japan to take hero classes, but go back to your mom, kiddo. She doesn't want you running around, you could get hurt." He smiled wide, and pulled out a small All Might action figure from his pocket. "What's your name miss lady? And what's your superhero name gonna be?" I smiled down at him and picked him up.

I started to carry him back to his mother, "My name is (y/n), but my superhero name is gonna be Shadow Gleam." He was bouncy and energetic then asked why I chose that name. "My quirk is to control shadows, it's seen as a villain's power but I want to use it to catch the bad guys."

I carefully gave Haruki to his mother. She thanked me and said I was a kind woman, in Japanese, but she then gasped and said in English, "I sorry, I do no good English, but thank." I smiled gently and said, "You're welcome, and thanks for the compliment." in Japanese. She smiled and told me I must be a very nice woman, and she asked if I would be able to babysit her son. I said I may have spare time to, and I sat down.

Her and her husband talked to me about why I was moving, and so I talked to them about it. When the husband went to the bathroom with the son a few minutes before we parted, I went to grab my crossbody bag and then walked back. She was smiling and asked if I had a place to stay. "Yes ma'am, my mom and dad has two friends in the city so they're letting me stay with them." She nodded, and the husband and son came back. She pulled out a small sheet of paper and pen, then wrote something on it.

Yatō Family

"If you ever need anything dear, just call." I smiled as the woman at the boarding dock called out if your card says A to line up in order. Everyone got up, I was last. I suppose since only about 10 people were riding they didn't care to add another letter section.

Once we all boarded the plane, I chose one if the rows towards the back. I sighed and turned on my music. I pulled out my charger and plugged it into the socket near my knee. I started to charge my phone, then opened the window. I watched the plane run down the runway, and lift off.

I gasped at the feeling, it was amazing yet nauseating. I smiled as the plane stabilized and I opened the small tray on the back of the chair in front of me. I reached up and turned on the small light above me, then started to draw, just for fun and boredom.

I hope I get into UA High and make good friends...I never had any after my quirk manifested, so I hope they don't treat me the same here.

(1780 words)

Welcome! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will be making more, this is one of the longer chapters I've written. I hope you all enjoyed this story, I love you all!


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