Chapter 33

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Kayla got home from the hospital a week after waking up, and hasn't seen the girl she thinks her girlfriend is at all. She had tried calling Rylie but she had changed her number. Kayla has questioned why there were pictures of a few pop artist on her wall. Jason told her that before the accident she'd started getting into pop music, which she found hard to believe. She had met the Cimorelli family and obviously didn't remember them, but she does have feelings for Lauren. But Lauren clearly seemed straight as a ruler, just like the rest of them.
Apparently according to her family she had been famous, and signed to the same record label as Fifth Harmony. She had toured with Becky G who was a close friend. When Kayla first got home from the hospital a husky game running to her with a soccer ball in its mouth, Kayla was scared of the dog at first since she didn't remember having one, but later on adjust to it.

Thankfully from her loyal fans who have tried to help her regain her memory back by showing her pictures of herself on stage, videos, ect. Some even tried to convince her by tweeting her saying that they were dating. Some would make manips, other were real pictures. The pictures that got her where the ones where she'd be kissing the fans cheek. She had to ask Jason if her and the person dated or are, which made him laugh that his sister would believe it.

Offten her eyes would be blue, which meant she was confused especially when people which she guessed that they wanted to tell her that she was dating the Lauren girl before the accident. She admitted that she did have a crush on her, and Lauren has been with her everyday since she's awaken. Maybe it's because of that, but she had a feeling Lauren was straight. Kayla was also thought they had been best friends from the pictures with each other on her bedroom walls. She had not come cross anything that was obvious that they did date. All the pictures were of them looking at each other lovingly, kissing each other's cheek, and some where they'd be laugh and Lauren's forehead would be resting against Kayla's temple, pictures of them cuddling.

Kayla was going through her YouTube channel, and it's the first time she's done so, since the hospital. She watched videos of herself singing, dancing, ect. But then came across the "Draw Your Life" video she made. She clicked on it and hoped it had info from the ten months she's forgotten.

(A/N I won't say what she's drawing bc it'll make it confusing so just make up something in your head)

"Hey guys I'm Kayla as you know, and this is my life. I was born on February 26, 1999 in Malibu, California. I was an only child until November 11, 2000 when a dork that I call my little brother Jason was born, love you bro. I remember how when I was born my parents wanted a boy, and they had the name Ryder picked out, but then they dad a girl and were even happier, because my dad got his little princess. I always played sports, when all the other girls played with their makeup set, I'd be playing with balls. Oh geez that game out wrong. My first word was actually balls, strangely. I started playing soccer around the age of 5 since my both my parents had been on national teams my mom played for Brazil, and my dad played for Argentina, pretty swag I know. When I was 10 I started getting bullied, because of the way I looked, when I first got my glasses. They'd tease me calling me four eyes, at first I didn't let it bother me but as it kept happening it really started to hurt. As time went on I continued getting bullied. I wasnt the average girl to listen to pop music, I preferred classic rock, punk, metal, rock and roll, so I was never able to talk about it to anyone at school, they'd talk about Justin Bieber or whatever and I'd just sit there quietly. It made me feel alone, and like an outsider. When I was 13 it was the worst year ever for me. My dad died in a car accident, because my mom told him I broke my arm skateboarding so he rushed to the hospital, then ended up getting into a crush. It made me feel like I had killed him, and that it was my fault. I started self harming then too, and went through depression as well. It was the time I turned to drugs and alcohol, wasn't the best idea, I knew it was slowly killing me but I actually didn't care. I remember I was in school writing on my arm then at lunch the assistant priceable saw the writing and told me to wash it off then go show her, and that's what I did. When I showed her she saw my scars then told me to hell her my name. That same day I was in my last period class, we were reading the hunger games then they called me out to the office. I met with my councilor and she told me to take off my sweater, which I did and she was my scars, she told me to take off my bracelets, and I hesitated to do it. I took off one by one and ended up crying because I made fresh cuts the day before. She called my mom and they talked to her separately, while the councilor made me talk to a therapist over the phone. A bit after they made me go to therapy during school so I'd get pulled out of my classes. Her name was Cynthia, and was really cool but I didn't wanna open up to her since when my dad died I basically didn't even talk to anyone about my problems. Also that was the time j realized I was into girls, so it was hard for me to hide who I was. I had my first girlfriend her name was Hazel, but we were secret since the school were mostly homophobes so we came off as best friends. Freshman year I had my second girlfriend her name was Rylie, and we broke up after about six months. It hurt because broke up with me in a Starbucks. But that same exact day I met the love of my life, Lauren Cimorelli. I was rude to her honestly when we first met but found myself falling for her. June 28, 2014 was the happiest day of my life, that's when I asked Lauren to be mine. She's the best girl I could ever ask for, she was able to pull me out of my depression, and help me through so much. After Lauren and I started dating she made me upload videos of me singing, and I ended up getting found my Simon Cowell because Fifth Harmony saw my cover of One Wish so they showed him and met with him. I preformed my first show at Universal City Walk which was inside of how many of you guys showed up, it was so packed. People were up by the food court, the floor, and some of you found a way to get backstage. I realized then the music was something I could make a living off of. I got signed to the label then got to tour with Becky G. I remember after the concert I met the girls of Fifth Harmony and I almost peed myself. When I hugged Lauren I asked her what her favorite state of matter was, stupid right? Wow I blame her eyes. Like fucking shit. When I went on tour it was hard living on a bus, being away from Lauren, my friends and family. But I knew if it was to live out my dream there had been things to sacrifice. The first day i left for tour was actually when I got my first tattoos, and piercing, with Becky and my manager. That day started a lot of drama between Beasters and Kayliens, since my fans shipped Kayren. Y'all really wanted Becky and I to date, but were just really great friends. HA I remember this one time during tour Beck and I found a couple of segways our side the venue then got mobbed by you guys. We stopped for pictures with some of you then someone ended up passing out, but that's when we were told to leave, we wanted to make sure who ever fainted was okay, thankfully you were. A few weeks before I turned 16 I had the worst dream ever, it was about Lauren and I, we were 19 and she left me for some dude because I was always getting drunk and high coming home that way. You don't know how much I'm grateful that it was just a dream because if it was real I would've fucking shot myself. Later I ended up leaving my record label because it was too much for me to handle. So I left the label, and started recording music in my basement and being on my own schedule, so I could make not just myself happy, but everyone. Simon said it was okay for me to leave, and that I'll still have a contract with Syco if and when I choice to continue with my record deal. Gotta love uncle Simon, he's the best, he might seem scary but trust me he's lovable once you get to know him. As for now I'm just a girl making music and stuff. Oh yea I'm bad with words. Thanks for watching guys, I love you"

Kayla realize that she was dating Lauren, but not sure if she still was. She prayed that she'd soon get her memory back, so she'd remember the past months.


A/N sorry for not updating this but I don't have ideas for it, and if I don't get any I'll probably end it. If you have some please comment if you have any🙏

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