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The 2 madly in love teenage girls got married at the age of 18, and moved in together right after the wedding in a house on Venice beach. They have talked about having kids, but with both their careers it was hard to go through with it. There relationship has been going strong and the two couldn't be happier.

At the age of 20 they had there first big argument. Kayla was accusing Lauren of cheating, since the nights she had spent out were late until 3am, sometimes not coming home at all until the next morning. Kayla had started drinking around the same time, nothing serious but at times she would get drunk of course but Lauren wouldn't know that because she wouldn't be home. Kayla would call Jason and he'd take care of her until morning.

When Lauren stopped being out late at night she started realizing that Kayla would get drunk. So she tried helping her as much as she could, but at times Kayla being as stubborn as she is she wouldn't listen.


"You can't keep doing this to yourself!" Lauren shouted at her wife, taking the beer out of her hand.

"Well what the fuck am I suppose to do?!"

"I know you're mom and Alaska past away but this is no reason to be killing yourself slowly! It's like I don't even know you anymore! You're not the girl I fell in love with!"

"You don't know what the hell I'm going through! And people change Lauren!"

"Not this much!"

"Fine I'm sorry! I'm sorry for falling quickly for you! I'm sorry for getting amnesia! I'm sorry for ever coming into your life!"

"Maybe our parents were right we probably should have never gotten married at 18!"

"Yea maybe they were!" Kayla told her before heading to the front door. "Maybe you should just file a divorce" her voice softened before she left the house.


At age 23 they were no longer married, or together. Kayla had gotten a girlfriend named Reagan, beautiful girl, dark brown hair, brown eyes, fierce personality.. Kayla was happy, but she'd be lying that she didn't miss Lauren, but the two hasn't spoken since they saw each other at court for their divorce. Kayla had met Reagan at a massive club party since they hired her to take pictures, Reagan was the DJ, they hit it off quickly. Kayla was taking pictures of the people inside, looking through her camera lens it focused on Reagan who was on the DJ balcony. It might sound creepy but she took a few pictures of Reagan who was looking down at her DJ set. At one point Kayla was caught and Reagan just stuck her tongue at her, they laughed then she invited Kayla up, then watched Reagan DJ most of the night.

The 2 women were at the grocery store, reagan insisted on cooking dinner for the two since Kayla had always been the one cooking.

"Babe can you go get a few tomatoes" Reagan asked

"Yea" Kayla said pecking Reagan's lips before leaving her in the candy section. She walked over to the tomatoes with her hands on her hoody. When she reached for a plastic bag her had collided with someone else's.

"Sorry-Lauren" she was about to say something else but Reagan had spoken.

"Yea last time you picked out something you got the bad ones" Reagan said giggling.

"Hey it was once"

"More like 3" Reagan laughed pecking her lips. "Who's this?" She was referring to Lauren

"Babe this is Lauren, Lauren this is Reagan" Kayla said awkwardly since it was her girlfriend and ex wife. The two shook hands

"So how long have you two been together?" Lauren asked.

"5 months" Reagan smiled, Lauren fake smiled, that only Kayla was able to recognized. "Well I'll leave you two to catch up while I get everything else and I'll meet you at check out?"

"yea" Kayla smiled and pecked her girlfriends lips. The ex wives stood there in an awkward silence for who knows how long. "I umm.. Better get going Reagan is probably wondering where I am."

"Can I see you again?" Lauren asked

"I don't think so, I would like to but, it's probably what's best for the both of us. Just to move on with our lives"

"I understand" Lauren said hurt.

"I'm sorry brown eyes, but it's for the best" Kayla placed a lingering kiss on her ex wives forehead fighting the tears that wanted to escape. "Goodbye Lauren, maybe I'll see you around" she said before leaving to find her girlfriend. She was hurt, and she wanted Lauren in her life, but it was best if they move on from each other. They had been through hell and back together, but their story was over and it was time to start a new one. Who knew that forever had an ending.

The end


A/N AAAAAAND THAT IS IT! I honestly never really had a happy ending to this story I'm sorry. There will NOT be another book, because I want to be able to move on with something different. My writing went from Fifth Harmony to Cimorelli, who knows what's next. Thanks for the love and support it means a lot.

Amnesia (Sequel to Quickly)Where stories live. Discover now