Edited: 10/28
9:50 am
Adriel gets woken up by Zane.
"What?" He said his voice was croaky.
"You have a frog in your throat," Zane points out.
"I know I ate a frog last night," Adriel lies, turning over. Zane backs up a bit weirded out. "Get up and do whatever you have to do, we're showing you and Blaine around school" Zane informs.
Adriel groans,"What time is it?"
"4:45 am" Zane said after glancing at his phone. Adriel lifts his head to glare at him. It was too early for this nonsense. "Leave me the hell alone. Waking me up at 4:45 in the morning. Go to sleep or something" Adriel mutters, getting comfortable in his bed.
"Get up Adriel" Zane orders.
"Get out Zane" Adriel taunts. Zane lets out a sigh as he grabs the covers. He pulls them back seeing Adriel's galaxy pj's. Adriel simply puts a pillow over his head to which Zane takes it, a bit irritated.
"What!" In annoyance Adriel shouts.
"Stop yelling at me. I have been telling you to get up. So get up."
"Stop touching and get out!" Adriel hiss. Zane sighs, never finding getting someone up this difficult.
"Next time I have to tell you, I'll pour cold water on you" Zane warned.
"Do that, then when you're asleep I'll pour boiling hot water on you" Adriel warned back, sitting up.
Zane looks at him in horror, "Where is the comparison? I say cold you say boiling hot. Not even just hot you said boiling"
"Yeah, whatever, get out." Adriel waves him off. Zane eyes him trying to decipher if he was gonna go back to sleep.
"I will scream," Adriel warned.
"How about you actually get up, then I'll leave."
"I will! When you get out!" Adriel hiss, through clenched teeth.
"I'll be back in here" Zane said walking towards the door. Adriel rolls his eyes waiting until Zane closes the door. Adriel huffs as he gets up, taking off his clothes and putting on a hoodie that says, 'Zombies eat Brains, Don't worry you're safe'.
He puts on the matching joggers and shoes which have brains on them before he starts cleaning his room up. When he's done he opens his door going to the bathroom down the hall. He does his business and leaves almost bumping into Blaine, who was wearing almost the same thing except his pants had zombies on them.
"Cool hoodie." Blaine compliments.
"You too," Adriel said. Blaine goes into the bathroom and Adriel goes to the kitchen. He gets water and goes back to his room, drinking it on his way. He goes through his bookbag he had stuffed in his suitcase. He hangs it in the closet. It has his weapons and some spray cans.
Someone knocks on his door. Adriel swears he would kiss the feet of who it was. He opens it seeing Atlas. He laughs remembering what he just said to himself. Atlas looks at him confused.
"Come on, we're about to be leaving." Atlas said, speaking for the first time in front of him. Adriel froze a blush creeping on his face. Atlas' voice is deep and sexy. He probably will kiss his feet. If he had a foot fetish, he didn't. He'll kiss his hand. What does he do with his hand? He doesn't look like someone to do something weird with his hands. Never judge a book by it's cover though.
He gets knocked out his thought as Atlas says his name. Adriel looks at him. "Yeah?" He knew what he said, he just wanted to hear his voice again.