Edited: 11/19/21
9:36 pm
It's Friday!
"Wake up" Daman shakes Adriel who groans putting a pillow over his head.
"Why do you do this everyday?" Daman questions with a heavy sigh.
"Why do you wake me up everyday?" Adriel retorts. Daman smacks his bum.
"Sorry" Adriel sighs, sitting up.
"Get up Tate wants to see how your knee is before you get dressed" Daman said.
Adriel stands up stretching. Daman watches before chuckling while walking out. Adriel rolls his eyes but goes to Tate's room where he was waiting.
"How is your knee?" Tate asked.
"Good. It doesn't hurt as much as yesterday" Adriel said. Making Tate hit his arm lightly
"No one told you to dramatically fall on the floor," Tate deadpans.
"Well no one said he had to be so mean" Adriel mutters. Tate goes and gets bandages.
"He wasn't being mean, he said that you had to sit on the floor and eat" Tate said.
"Well that's mean because he was allowed to sit on the couch" Adriel argues hissing when Tate hits him again.
"It was Atlas, Adriel." Tate said, sitting Adriel on his bed.
"Okay. He should know I'm way cleaner than him" Adriel said.
"I think he knows," Tate said, pointing behind him. Adriel stares at him eyes wide before glancing back then looking back at Tate.
"Atlas! I was just saying how clean you are" Adriel grins. Atlas just shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. "Really?" Atlas said. Adriel nods quickly. "Yes I was, you're very clean. You are."
"Mhm Tate do you have everything for the trip?" Atlas asked. Tate groans as Adriel gasps remembering the trip.
"The trip! I almost forgot. Tate, where are we going? Can you tell me please!" Adriel begs putting his hands together. Tate finishes bandaging his knee.
"Now look at what you did. Yes I have everything. And no Adriel I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Tate said, kissing his lips lightly. Adriel stammers over his next words. "Oh" is all he could get out. "Okay"
Tate chuckles, "Go get dressed." Adriel nods his head leaving the room quickly.
Tate finishes getting dressed, Atlas pulls him in kissing his lips deeply.
"I'm kinda jealous you got the first kiss," Atlas admits, pulling away. Tate blush. "I'm special," Tate grins, giving him a quick peck he then skips to the kitchen.
"Breakfast is ready!" Tate calls out. Everyone comes into the kitchen dressed. Tate hands Adriel his smoothie and everyone else their plate. Adriel goes to the sink and does the dishes. Which is now a routine.
"Okay Addy. So Lake said he saw the list and everyone's coming. Colby said he might not make it because he got in trouble with his dominant" Blaine tells Adriel standing next to him.
"Don't call me that and we need Cole. What did he do anyway?" Adriel questions.
"He cursed out another sub." Blaine said, eating his eggs.
"Really, was it Keith?" Adriel asked. Blaine nods. "Cole is going to punch Keith one of these days. I'll do it too. He needs to stop slapping his ass" Adriel mutters. Daman hits him on the back of the head.