Chapter 2

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The room slowly filled with students of all kinds, some looking equally young as Therese, and the more people in the lecture hall, the noisier it got. Therese was slightly taken aback when a woman with dark auburn hair in a pantsuit sat down next to her.
"By the way you're staring at me right now I assume this seat was already taken?", she smiled apologetically and wanted to get back up, but Therese stopped her by talking a hold of her wrist. "No, it's fine. I was just surprised someone would want to sit next to me when there are other unoccupied seats." The woman sank back into the chair, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "My name's Abigail Gerhard. You can call me Abby, though." "I'm Therese. Nice to meet you." "Oh, the pleasure is all mine."

The noisiness in the room was soon interrupted by Professor Aird clearing her throat. This one move was all it took for the entire class to fall into complete silence, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
"Good morning! As much as I enjoy hearing stories about beer and bitches, I would appreciate all of you to postpone the chit-chat into lunch break." Carol shot the group of young men in the front row, who have been talking about their party-weekend, a daring glance before turning on her heels and devoting her attention to the blackboard, writing down the topics for the upcoming semester. Abby and Therese looked at each other, chuckling quietly at their professor's sassy remark. Class went by rather quickly and without further incidents. Therese was getting on well with Abby, helping her here and there when it came to technical questions because she seemed to struggle with those a little. When everybody was dismissed the two of them packed their things and headed towards the door. Just when they wanted to leave the room Therese heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Therese, may I speak to you in my office?"
Abby and Therese both turned around to face Mrs Aird.
"Oh come on, Carol. I wanted to invite her to lunch." Abby pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Can't you talk to her some other time?"
Therese stared at them interacting, obviously confused now.
Do they know each other? They could be about the same age... Abby wanted to invite me for lunch? What's going on?!
"Abby Gerhard, you'll have plenty of time to flirt with my students. Now is not the time." Carol smirked, pointing at the door. Abby responded with a grin and an eye-roll, leaving the younger woman alone with Professor Aird.
Therese didn't dare asking what she wanted to talk to her about. She stayed quiet, nervously playing with the zipper of her bag, waiting for Carol to start the conversation.

"Your submission for this class was outstanding, Miss Belivet. I haven't seen a portfolio as interesting and diverse as yours in quite a while."
Therese's lips slightly parted at the sudden compliment and she blushed softly. "Thank you so much, Professor Aird. I put a lot of effort into it, I'm glad you like it."
Carol grabbed her handbag off the desk and motioned towards the door. "Let's not have this conversation in here. My office is right down the hallway."

Carol enjoyed the influence she had on Therese; how easily she could make her blush. The way the young woman bit back a smile, showing off those sweet dimples she had. Although she would not admit it, Carol had felt a pang of jealousy seeing Abby shamelessly flirting with Therese during class today. The brunette was so innocent though, she probably did not even realize what Abby's intentions were. Carol mentally scolded herself for having these kind of thoughts about a student, a significantly younger one, too. Professionalism has always been her top priority but something told her she would have a hard time keeping things professional over the next months.

She was striding towards her office, one hand on the small of Therese's back, guiding her in the right direction...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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