A cry for help

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Kirishima was home with his family for awhile, after they heard what had happened they waited for Kiri to get out of the hospital to take him home, but Kirishima didn't talk to his family, he just blankly stared out the window towards the direction of the hospital. Bakugou was all that was on his mind, he had heard the Bakugou was in a coma, all he could really do was think about what would happen, he was scared Bakugou would die, Kirishima was blaming him self for all of this causing him to fall into a depressed state.

Kirishima was already insecure enough but add the thought of his best friend dying was making everything worse so bad Kirishima would cry every night and would yell at anyone who would try to come and help him. He would lay in his room all day and do nothing but sleep and cry, often not eating.


About a month later Kirishima returned back to school and a lifeless dorm, everyone else was healed and okay by now so was Kirishima, but mentally Kirishima was not okay. He didn't even do his hair in his normal spiky do, Kiri's face didn't show expression and he was late to every class, he couldn't focus and often left the class unexcused to cry in the bathroom or punch the mirror in the bathroom. Kirishima ended up walking back into All Might's class with a bloody fist which All Might sent him to Recovery Girl and went to talk to Kirishima after class.

Kirishima sat on the end with his fist wrapped up and Recovery girl looking at her computer, All Might walked in, of course not in his hero form, he sat down next to the spaced out Kirishima. Kirishima just looked at his hand as All Might places his hand on the tearing up boy.

"Nobody will every understand," Kirishima voice was quiet, almost like he was shy, "Not even you will understand." Kirishima looked up at All Might his voice still quiet as he looked at him with glossed over eyes.

"I pay attention to each and everyone of my students the relationship you have with Bakugou was something no one will ever understand." All Might smiles slightly, trying to cheer up the silently crying boy.

They sat in silence for a while until Kirishima was ready to walk back to his empty and sad dorm, he walked slowly to the dorms and stood in front of his dorm while holding back tears. The door slowly creaked open and Kirishima threw his bag on the floor, it landed with a thud as Kirishima rolled into Bakugou's bed, holding of his pillow close to him and drinking in Bakugou's caramel smell. He couldn't help but cry making sure not to get his salty tears onto the pillow, Bakugou was still in a coma, all he wanted was his best friend.

Kirishima was still awake as 2 am was drawing closer by the minute, he was sitting on the edge of Bakugou's when he had an idea, an idea that he thought would help him feel in control. Kirishima stood up and walked into their kitchen and dug around in some draws.


He found a knife, not to big or to small, it glimmered in the moonlight from the tiny kitchen window as Kirishima stared at it, he wanted to feel in control and alive again as he pressed the sharp and shiny blade against his skin, his first instinct was to activate his quirk but his mind said no as he dragged the blade across his arm leaving a cut deep enough to bleed but not deep enough to bleed a lot for a long time.

The blood trickled down his arm as he felt alive, he smiled slightly as tears ran down his face, he felt in control but he knew he couldn't tell anyone else, not even Bakugou if he ever came back. Kirishima sighed as he made another cut, the streams of blood joining together as he rested his arm at his side. He felt okay now but he made another cut, three blood streams as he washed the blade and hid it in his closet, it was his blade now, the blade he would turn to for a relief. He washed up his arm, the cuts had stopped bleeding by now, he wasn't one to wear long sleeves but now he was gonna be wearing them everyday.


Kirishima woke up, his arm stung but he was numb to it all as he searched his closet, he picked out a t shirt and a jean jacket to cover his cuts, the blade was hidden on a shelf in his closet, again it was like the blade was calling to him. He took of his jean jacket and reached for the knife, quickly cutting himself on the arm 2 more times before putting it away quickly and throwing his jean jacket on as he heard a knock on the door. He shut his closet door and opened the normal door, the cuts he had made weren't deep enough to bleed down his arm, it was Mina.

"Hey Kiri, I was wondering If u needed someone to walk to school with?" Mina asked politely, Kirishima's temper and emotions were all over the place so he just slammed the door in her face, he sat down, his back against the door as he cried into his knees.

His arm stung like hell as he made his way to the school by himself, non of his homework done and his expression blank with a numb body and mind.

(Don't cut, I only write about it because I used to cut and it kinda helps me move on when I write about it)

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